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Probleme mit dem Neuen Civic…(Allgemein)

Honda Civic 11 (FE)
Themenstarteram 29. Januar 2023 um 18:21

Gestern war ich bei meinem Händler wegen eines Problems mit den hinteren Bremsen.

Ca. 20mm des äußeren Randes der hinteren Bremsscheibe werden wohl durch die Bremsklötze nicht berührt.

Mittlerweile hat der Rand deutlich Rost angesetzt auf beiden Seiten.

Habe nun bissle was über 1000km gefahren aber keine Änderung.

Da werden sie wohl mal die Bremsen auf machen müssen.

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919 Antworten

DAs ZMS zählt zu den Verschleißteilen! hat man mich bei Toyota auch damals komisch angeguggt als ich das fragte bei meinen Auris - auch ist mir da das Schaltseil abgerissen und durchkorrodiert 820 Euro musste ich inkl. Einbau selber zahlen. Aber Kupplung Einrücker etc. das zählt nicht dazu, wäre aber dein Getriebe kaputt, Lager, SChaltgabel gebrochen etc. hättest Du ein neues bekommen.

Die wichtigsten Sachen, die tief ins Bankkonto gehen, sind abgedeckt. Darum geht es (mir). (Gefühlte) Sicherheit.

Mit streitbaren Sachen wie der klassischen Kupplung oder gar Schaltseilen verschont uns der Hybrid ja schonmal von Haus aus. ;)


@EG_XXX schrieb am 3. Mai 2024 um 16:04:09 Uhr:

kannst doch jederzeit Garantie erweitern....

Direkt bei Kauf gemacht :)

Mir geht's aber primär auch darum, was @michael71116 erwähnt hat. Anschlussgarantie ist halt keine vollwertige Herstellergarantie. Aber für den Preis war sie allemal vertretbar.

Themenstarteram 23. Mai 2024 um 14:56

Hey there,

Following up on the sticky steering issue on my 2023 Civic sport, as mentioned in a prior post, I've managed to find a car service that documented the defect and made a warranty report that was approved. This was back in February, I had to wait around 3 months for the steering gear part to be available. This week it was replaced and all looks good again.

The thing is that since the weather got better in April I haven’t felt the sticky steering at all, looked like the gear was behaving as before the defect, as the car was new. I concluded that this was driven by the winter season as I started to note it somewhere in October-November last year and up until end of March it was there….after that once the temperature got above 12-14 degrease it started to disappear. OF course, the defect being documented, the part was changed.

Now, to tell whether is good or not apparently I’ll have to wait for the next winter season. I hope everything will be ok this time.


@AlexLuj schrieb am 28. Februar 2024 um 11:26:04 Uhr:

Hi everyone,

Short update on sticky steering issue. I went to the dealer that I bought the car from and the experience was very bad and disappointing. They mentioned that they need to "grease" the steering gear and then for me to check it up for some time and after that if the issue is not fixed they will try to change the steering gear on guarantee. Of course I was disappointed by this approach mainly because they even did not want to understand the issue, they said that they had only one car with more km than mine that had some strange noises and when the steering gear was greased the noises disappeared. I tried to mention that this issue is not about noises but about feeling, so you need to feel the problem by driving the car....they said that they cannot drive the car on highway as that cannot be a prove of the problem and they cannot record on highway. I bit shocked about the lack of customer empathy. Not to mention that this approach was supposing for me to do several trips to the service, check if issue is still there or not....and this for a car that has 9 months and 15k km on board.

Therefore, I went to another dealer and there the experience was amazing. They checked the car, went for a drive and the verdict was clear, the direction gets frozen and can affect the normal behaviour of the car. So the guarantee file they put up was approved, now I'm waiting for the piece to be available (new steering gear), they mentioned sometime in April. Once I will have it replaced I will come back with an update and feedback on it.

But until that I can say that the defect is visible at almost all speeds, even in city when driving with 40-50 km/h if you drive straight and then you want to do a sudden manoeuvre you feel the sticky steering issue. 3 weeks ago I went to the mountains and did a lot of winding roads where again I felt the defect, not just in straight direction on high speed. So I hope this defect will be resolved once the steering is replaced as else the pleasure of driving this car is going straight down and it's a pity. Besides this issue, the car is impressive, I really like it and I see myself driving it for a long time.



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