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  7. Waiting for your Insignia? Check current status in easy way

Waiting for your Insignia? Check current status in easy way

Opel Insignia B
Themenstarteram 12. Oktober 2017 um 13:23


sorry for writing in English, but I don't speak German at all. Maybe someone could help with translation?

I'm waiting for my new Insignia and found a lot of useful information here.

So, I'll also share with you with some solution which allows to check current opel's car production status. It works with any opel car.


Here it's the way:

1. Prepare your JOB number. You can find if in myopel account, right here: or ask your car dealer.


2. Add at the end of this link your JOB number (you can fint if in myopel account)



3. You will get current status in text format


4. How to read it?

You can find here same information about your ordered car, but the most important things - find the phrases in text:

lastVehicleEvent - last vehicle event (codes listed below)

eventCodeUpdateTimestamp - time of last update - in unix timestamp format - take first 10 digits and paste in right field in online converter, eg:

estimatedDeliveryDateTime - estimated delivery time to your dealer - same as above


lastVehicleEvent codes:

20 - Order accepted

21 - Order processing

30 - Waiting for release to production

32 - Release for production

33 - Accepted for production by the factory

35 - Car on the production line

38 - Car produced

40 - Car handed over for sale

42 - The car left the factory gate

43 - Car on central distribution

44 - Car sent to your country

48 - Car on stock in your country

49 - Car sent to dealer

58 - The car reached the dealer

60 - Car sold


Beste Antwort im Thema
Themenstarteram 12. Oktober 2017 um 13:23


sorry for writing in English, but I don't speak German at all. Maybe someone could help with translation?

I'm waiting for my new Insignia and found a lot of useful information here.

So, I'll also share with you with some solution which allows to check current opel's car production status. It works with any opel car.


Here it's the way:

1. Prepare your JOB number. You can find if in myopel account, right here: or ask your car dealer.


2. Add at the end of this link your JOB number (you can fint if in myopel account)



3. You will get current status in text format


4. How to read it?

You can find here same information about your ordered car, but the most important things - find the phrases in text:

lastVehicleEvent - last vehicle event (codes listed below)

eventCodeUpdateTimestamp - time of last update - in unix timestamp format - take first 10 digits and paste in right field in online converter, eg:

estimatedDeliveryDateTime - estimated delivery time to your dealer - same as above


lastVehicleEvent codes:

20 - Order accepted

21 - Order processing

30 - Waiting for release to production

32 - Release for production

33 - Accepted for production by the factory

35 - Car on the production line

38 - Car produced

40 - Car handed over for sale

42 - The car left the factory gate

43 - Car on central distribution

44 - Car sent to your country

48 - Car on stock in your country

49 - Car sent to dealer

58 - The car reached the dealer

60 - Car sold


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Jaaa Status 49

ne immernoch 25 :( *grrr*

Wann bestellt?

ende Juli .....

Ich auch ende Juli bestellt und immer noch auf 25. Lt. FOH soll er nächste Woche gebaut werden bin mal gespannt. Immerhin ist das Lieferdatum jetzt vom 16.01.18 Auf den 28.11.17 gerutscht.

wir haben Stand letzter Woche 18.11. beim FOH laut selbigem....

jetzt 32 :)

er wurde nicht vergessen :D

Sei froh meiner steht jetzt wieder bei 16.01.18 :(

Mist! opc ext?

Ja ext. Und int.

OPC ext. kostet auch Lieferzeit...

Moin Moin,

bin jetzt auch bei 32.....

Nun Status 58. Eeeendlich

geiler Scheiss! Meiner soll laut diesem Link am 18.12.17 zum Händler geliefert werden.

am 19. Oktober 2017 um 16:17

Leute ich bin zu doof! Ist das ein epoch unix timestamp? estimatedDeliveryDateTime":1510700400000


Was wäre denn der Wert aus dem oben genannten Zahlen? Danke

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  7. Waiting for your Insignia? Check current status in easy way