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  6. Mit welcher Software wird das Programm oder der Code für den Verstärker geändert?

Mit welcher Software wird das Programm oder der Code für den Verstärker geändert?

VW Phaeton 3D
Themenstarteram 25. März 2019 um 3:55

Ich muss das Programm auf meinen Verstärker schreiben, ihm den Sound von Dynaudio geben lassen und eine Vielzahl verschiedener Sounds testen. thank. rock Klassik

Beste Antwort im Thema

I'm sorry keheng, but I still don't understand what is your plan or what you really like to do.

Please can you give us some more detailled information of what kind of car (CC or Pheaton ???) you have at the moment and what is your exact plan. That will may help our specialist here, to help you more efficient.

BTW, to use the Google translator doesn't make it easier for us, it just gives us more confusion (which is not your fault).

I would like to suggest that you better write in english for further communications.

Best regards


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Themenstarteram 28. März 2019 um 13:40


@MXPhaeton schrieb am 28. März 2019 um 12:44:27 Uhr:

I'm sorry keheng, but I still don't understand what is your plan or what you really like to do.

Please can you give us some more detailled information of what kind of car (CC or Pheaton ???) you have at the moment and what is your exact plan. That will may help our specialist here, to help you more efficient.

BTW, to use the Google translator doesn't make it easier for us, it just gives us more confusion (which is not your fault).

I would like to suggest that you better write in english for further communications.

Best regards


My car is cc with rns 315 host. Can I change to rns810?

The whole Unit? I don't think so. In the RNS 810 is also the climate control system for the Phaeton intigrated, I dont't think that this is the case for the CC as well.

Best regards


The RNS 810 have a another size then the RNS 315, it is much bigger. Also it isn't compatible with a CC because of different connections.


When you wish an upgrade, use the RNS 510 or "Composition Media", in better equip CC you get it also with a "Dynaudio Confidence" sound system with 10ch amplifier and 600 watts. Also it have a harddrive disk and bigger display.

Themenstarteram 4. Mai 2019 um 14:14

I would like to ask how the line here is connected. I never understand. t24/13. t24/10-11. There should be no such line in the cc car.


It's the normal Audio-Input for the Amplifier

Themenstarteram 4. Mai 2019 um 17:07


@gusto-v10 schrieb am 4. Mai 2019 um 18:52:15 Uhr:

It's the normal Audio-Input for the Amplifier

Maybe I need the rns 810 output circuit diagram. Can you provide pictures? I need to compare?These lines are not available on cc. thank.

Still, you want to change the RNS315 to a RNS810? I'm sorry keheng, but the 810 will a 100% NOT fit into your CC. As mentioned before, the 810 unit is only build for the Phaeton and includes the AC control for the car, I'm pretty sure that there will be no space for it in your CC. I really can't catch your idea.

As xela said, use the 510 if you wish to upgrade.

Themenstarteram 5. Mai 2019 um 0:38


@MXPhaeton schrieb am 5. Mai 2019 um 00:06:40 Uhr:

Still, you want to change the RNS315 to a RNS810? I'm sorry keheng, but the 810 will a 100% NOT fit into your CC. As mentioned before, the 810 unit is only build for the Phaeton and includes the AC control for the car, I'm pretty sure that there will be no space for it in your CC. I really can't catch your idea.

As xela said, use the 510 if you wish to upgrade.

No. I have sent a photo. Mark the red box. This line I don't understand. t24/10/11 . t24/13. Where are these lines connected.

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  6. Mit welcher Software wird das Programm oder der Code für den Verstärker geändert?