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  6. Autobahnen


Themenstarteram 8. Januar 2005 um 11:31


entschuldigen Sie bitte mein Deutsches, wie ich aus England komme. I einen BMW 2001 325i. ich plane eine Reise nach Deutschland innerhalb des folgenden Monats. Ich möchte zum experiance die Freiheit Ihrer fantastischen Autobahns.

Kann jemand mir bitte erklären, was die derestricted hauptsächlichstraßen (keiner Begrenzung) sind?

viel Dank auch traurig für diese Anzeige, die weg vom Thema gewesen wird.


25 Antworten


die onlineübersetzer werden auch immer schlechter....

Re: Autobahnen



Original geschrieben von davejones05

viel Dank auch traurig für diese Anzeige, die weg vom Thema gewesen wird.

What does this sentence mean?

Themenstarteram 8. Januar 2005 um 12:49

die on-line-Übersetzer sind wirklich schlecht!

Aber sein so gutes, wie ich tun kann :-(


"viel Dank auch traurig für diese Anzeige, die weg vom Thema gewesen wird."

Many thanks, also sorry for posting in what is probably the wrong forum.


Original geschrieben von davejones05

Many thanks, also sorry for posting in what is probably the wrong forum.

As you drive a BMW, this will be not the wrong forum for your posting.

Approx. 40% of the german motorways (Autobahnen) are not speed limited. You will find speed limits on the motorways near cities (noise control), at slope parts and at curval parts.

Themenstarteram 8. Januar 2005 um 13:11

Thank you

I thought it was a lot less than 40% !!

I should be able to find one then.

I am hopefully going to go down to the Nurburgring from Cologne


where will you start your trip on the continent? Calais?

Rotterdam? Hamburg?

am 8. Januar 2005 um 14:19

I'm thinking right, that you only want to come to Germany to drive very fast?

Themenstarteram 8. Januar 2005 um 14:32

Drahkke - Rotterdam

lncognito - I want to come to Germany for many reasons. It is a place that has always interested me. Wanting to drive very fast is just one of them.

am 8. Januar 2005 um 16:37

what is the max. speed limit in england?

The "A9 München Nürnberg" is very fast & save (three lanes, more or less straigth, but up and downs). Very nice to drive very fast. Take care in the (few) speed limits (120 km/h, controls!)

A8 München Stuttgart is w/o speed limit after 8pm (to 6 am or so).

Overall, the most unlimited (free) Autobahn roads can be found in Bavaria ("Bayern"), where more or less everything except close to big towns is unlimited.

Take care!

Themenstarteram 8. Januar 2005 um 23:12

Robert18 - 70 MPH 110 KPH :(

braunan - Thank you!

I recommend you drive on the A555 connecting Cologne and Bonn. It's just 20 km, but no speed limits and not much traffic. Shouldn't be a problem to get to 150 mp/h there.

am 9. Januar 2005 um 10:27

The A3 Köln - > Würzburg has long unlimited zones. But be careful on the 80 kph limit on "Elzer Berg"!!!

If you are near to it, you will see a big yellow shield with a black cat on it.

am 9. Januar 2005 um 15:40

Try to avoid the bigger cities and the densely populated areas around them, there you will usually find speed limits and heavy traffic.

Deine Antwort