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eine etwas andere Kaufempfehlung

Themenstarteram 27. August 2009 um 19:35

Moin Leute,

ich bin nun zu dem Entschluss gekommen in nähester Zukunft mir ein neues Fahrzeug zu zu legen.

Zur Auswahl stehen selbstverständlich nur der Volvo V70 (P26) in verschiedensten Motorvarianten... Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich die Audi-Empfehlungs- Attacken erfolgreich abgewehrt habe! :D;)

Ich will/ muss mich entscheiden zwischen V70 R AWD, V70 T5 oder V70 D5 (ggf. AWD)... also ein Auto mit Dampf, sportlichen Sitzen, Automatik, jede Menge nützlichen oder unnützlichen Volvo Schnick- Schnack und wenns geht ein Scheibedach.

V70R- absoluter Traum seit Jahren, jetzt zum greifen nah. Allerdings relativ hoher Verbrauch. Aber schon allein für die Motorabdeckung und das Ladedruckrohr könnte ich sterben. :D

V70 T5- eigentlich völlig ausreichend, dank R-Technik am Motor mehr als genug Bumms, FWD stört mich nicht wirklich.

V70 D5 (185PS) ebenfalls 400Nm wie der R zur Not auch als AWD, ordentlich Drehmoment bei geringem Dieselverbrauch.

Für den Fall es wird kein R, würde für mich zu 99% ein optischer Umbau auf R -Optik (Front und Scheinwerfer) in Frage kommen. Erfahrungen dazu habe ich ja. :D

Ob sich der günstigere Kaufpreis eines T5 oder D5 bei so einem Umbau zu einem R negieren würde, bleibt erstmal dahin gestellt, ist aber von mir im Budget berücksichtig.

Jetzt zum Eigentlichen.

Mich würden die Unterhaltskosten von euren D5, T5 oder R's interessieren. Gemeint sind nur Steuern und Versicherungen. Service etc. bitte nicht dazu zählen, denn der fällt ja je nach Fahrstil unterschiedlich aus.

Ich will quasi die Versicherungseinstufung der drei Motorvarianten vergleichen. Womöglich kostet ein D5 AWD genauso viel Versicherung wie ein R oder so?!?!?

Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen der Versicherungseinstufung eines gleich motorisierten 2003er und eines 2007er Modells???

Ich weiß, ich muss die exakten Preise bei meiner Versicherung einholen, würde aber vorher gerne wissen, was mich ungefähr erwartet und wie ich ungefähr kalkulieren muß.

Ich werde noch mal einen örtlichen Händler aus dem Schlaf reißen gehen, aber mehrere Meinungen zu hören kann ja nicht schaden.

Freue mich auf eure Meinungen... Dankööööö

Beste Antwort im Thema
Themenstarteram 29. Oktober 2009 um 19:23

Moin Leute,


nach schmerzhaftem Abschied von meinem selbst zusammengezimmerten zum R- umgebauten V70 habe ich ein neues gebrauchtes Spielzeug.


Es ist ein 05'er V70R GT geworden. So wie ich ihn mir immer vorgestellt und gewollt habe. Ein sagenhaftes Auto... titangrau mit Atacama Leder.


Von außen stilvoll sportlich, von innen knallig luxuriös. Die Tiptronik macht mir viel Spaß und die Ausstattung lässt keine Wünsche offen.

Schiebedach war mein größter Wunsch weshalb es sogar bei 11 Grad Aussentemperatur offen steht. Es gibt dem Auto den letzten sportlichen Feinschliff.

Das Navi ist zwar veraltet aber ich könnte es den ganzen Tag nur rauf und runterfahren lassen. Dieser Pop-up Screen ist sooo geil...

Ein Blick in den Motoraum lässt bei mir das kalte Sabbern kommen. Einen so lecker verpackten Motor hat nicht mal Lamborghini... :D Marderschäden werden noch von mir behoben.


Klar, ziehen tut er wie ein Schwein. Ich bin aber auch kein Maßstab. Das ist das schnellste Auto, was ich je gefahren bin. Daher hab ich kein Vergleich. Ich merke nur immer wieder, ich habe einen großen Respekt vor der Leistung des R und fahre (noch) dementsprechend.


Weitere kleine Schmankerl sind (vielleicht auch R- typisch bekannt) Regensensor, 6 fach CD Wechsler im Radio integriert, Sitzheizung, die leckere Aluminium- Mittelkonsole mit diesem Aluminium-Mini-Rollo (*sabber*), Bordcomputer (denn es ist ja irre wichtig die 13L und mehr ständig unter die Nase gerieben zu bekommen), eingebautes Telefon mit integrierter Freisprecheinrichtung, Rentnerradar hinten (nervig), elektrisch verstell- beheiz- und einklappbare Spiegel, WR auf Pegasus 17 Zoll...


Wenn mir die Möglichkeit über den Weg rennt den Wagen mal aufzubocken, wird erstmal Bestandsaufnahme gemacht was mir nicht passt und vorsorglich repariert werden muss.


Hier noch zwei Fotos... Mehr Fotos und Fahrberichte folgen wenn ich den Neuerwerb mal verdaut habe.

Einziges Manko würde ich auf die Schnelle mal die 5 Gang GT in den Raum werfen. Ich hätte lieber 6 Gänge gehabt.

Na ja und dann der Spritverbrauch. Da war ich natürlich vorher mit Autogas verwöhnt. Jetzt liegen rauhere Trinksitten an. Aber das gönne ich dem Kleinen. Er katapultiert mich auf Verlangen ja auch mit einem Sprung durch die Lichtmauer ins nächste Universum oder im Berliner Stadtverkehr besser gesagt in die nächste freie Lücke. :D

Beste Grüße

pseudo R (der seinen Namen in Gedenken an den alten V70 aber behält)

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178 Antworten
Themenstarteram 31. Oktober 2009 um 22:21

Ich bin gerade zurück von einer kleinen Abendrunde durch die Großstadt. Ich wollte einfach mal nur ein bißchen alleine cruisen und das Auto genießen. Dabei habe ich wieder gemerkt, dass ich mir das richtige Auto gekauft habe. :D

Nebenbei sind mir die ausgeschlagenen Spurstangenköpfe und die klackenden Antriebswellen aufgefallen. Aber das sind Sachen, die dürften fix zu machen sein. Dabei werde ich gleich mal das Lenkgetriebe auf Dichtigkeit checken.

Kennt jemand die Preise für 2 Spurstangenköpfe? Sind die bei den R's und den anderen Volvos gleich???


Er neigt arg zum Side-Stepping. Ich werde die Spur mal laservermessen lassen. Das gleich im Rahmen der Spurstangenkopfreparatur. Ich denke mal das zahlt die Gebrauchtwagengarantie nicht da es ja Verschleißteile sind. Aber ich frage da mal an.


Im Stadtautobahntunnel habe ich mal bei ca 100 in den 3. Gang zurück geschaltet und mal ein bißchen die Klangkulisse des Aggregats durch das offene Schiebedach und den dabei entstehenden Vortrieb genossen. Tja, was soll ich dazu noch sagen... Hammer!!!

Beim nächsten Tanken werde ich mal besser Super Plus tanken. Ich habe das Gefühl das würde dem Motor einfach besser schmecken. Das ist aber nur mein Bauchgefühl. Eure Meinungen würde ich dazu gern mal hören. Vertragen tut er ja beides... Super und Super Plus.

Man merkt, dass es ein typischer Turbomotor ist. Eine klitzekleine Gedenksekunde genehmigt er sich. Aber das macht ja gerade den Spaß aus. ;)


Ach ja, hat jemand für die V70R Modelle die Spurvermessungsdaten??? Einstellung der Vorspur, Sturz etc... Das gebe ich dann meinem Reifenfritzen. Ich denke mal die haben die R Modelle von Volvo nicht in ihrer Kartei.


Zum Thema Rucken bei Volllast. Mein Kumpel meinte es kann auch sein, dass nur ein Rad kurzzeitig die Traktion verliert und der Motor sofort zurückgeregelt. Daher dieses teils sehr starke Rucken. Es ist mir jetzt ebend bei 1 Grad Außentemperatur und furztrockener Strasse nicht mehr aufgefallen. Letztens wo es so krass war, war es neblig und nass. Ich will diesbezüglich auch erstmal nicht Pferde scheu machen.

Ich will die Symptome nur rechtzeitig erkunden und deuten können, bevor mehr kaputt geht.


PS. Meiner riecht innen noch ein bißchen neu. Das Leder ist noch nicht komplett verdampft. Is aber zum Glück auch ein Nichtraucher-Wagen.


Original geschrieben von pseudo R

Nebenbei sind mir die ausgeschlagenen Spurstangenköpfe und die klackenden Antriebswellen aufgefallen.


Er neigt arg zum Side-Stepping. Ich werde die Spur mal laservermessen lassen. Das gleich im Rahmen der Spurstangenkopfreparatur. Ich denke mal das zahlt die Gebrauchtwagengarantie nicht da es ja Verschleißteile sind. Aber ich frage da mal an.

An welchen Geräuschen/Eigenheiten bemerkt man dieses? Weil wir ja die gleiche KM-Leistung haben, würde ich das dann auch mal checken. Gegen das Side-Stepping gibt es ein Buchsen-Update (Siehe Anhang), der Sound ist echt nett, aber GsD weniger präsent als bei einem Jaguar mit V6 mit Doppeltüten.



Original geschrieben von pseudo R

Beim nächsten Tanken werde ich mal besser Super Plus tanken. Ich habe das Gefühl das würde dem Motor einfach besser schmecken. Das ist aber nur mein Bauchgefühl. Eure Meinungen würde ich dazu gern mal hören. Vertragen tut er ja beides... Super und Super Plus.

Man merkt, dass es ein typischer Turbomotor ist. Eine klitzekleine Gedenksekunde genehmigt er sich. Aber das macht ja gerade den Spaß aus. ;)

Ich habe dieses Ruckeln bei kaltem Motor, ich glaube Mick hat mal drauf verwiesen, daß der R dieses Verhalten auch mit der 100-Oktan-Suppe zeigt. Vermutlich ist das Motorsteuergerät auf 98 gepolt und der Motor läuft mit 95 oder 100 eben etwas unrund.

Tendentiell fahren wir auch Fronttriebler und da kann beim Anfahren schon mal Traction fehlen, wie weit man gehen kann, sehe ich, wenn der erste Schnee gefallen ist :D

Freue mich, daß der Wagen sich so unspektakulär bewegen läßt und man in der Stadt nicht unweigerlich an die nächste Ampel sprintet. Beim Auffahren auf die Autobahn macht es allerdings richtig Spaß.

am 1. November 2009 um 10:29

the following was taken from the V70R forum

part 1

( also more R - line problems discovered ) :

TNN23-25-2006-07-31 Title: Difficulties when filling the fuel tank

Under certain conditions the customer may experience difficulties while filling the fuel tank. Should a customer experience this condition and the vehicle falls within the listed engine codes and chassis ranges (below), a hose clamp (part number 988010) can be installed at the flapper valve assembly located inside the fuel tank. The flapper valve is connected to the bottom of the filler pipe and the clamp is designed to secure this connection.

TNN23-31-2008-04-16 Title: New Fuel Pump for Starting Problems when Parked Downhill

A vehicle may be difficult to start if it is parked facing downhill with a very small amount of fuel in the fuel tank. The vehicle will start normally if fuel is added to the tank or if the vehicle is moved to level ground.

TNN 23-32-2008-04-30 Title: Fuel System - Fuel Pump Control Module Replacement

A new fuel pump control module (also referred to as Pump Electronic Module, or PEM) has been introduced as a spare part, which requires a new location if it is replaced. This TNN applies to vehicles manufactured up to the chassis number in the chart below. If the PEM needs to be replaced, install the PEM in the new location as per the Service method below.

TNN26-10-2007-05-14 Title: CPS Plus (Customer Preparation Service Update) Oil Cooler Check

Models/Years (2004 - 2007) Vehicles within this chassis range may have imperfections in oil cooler line end. Cooler lines must be checked according to following description, as part of the CPS

TNN28-66-2006-07-07 Title: ECM DTC 434C Fuel tank system, leakage; Minor leak

ECM DTC 434C may be set in the above vehicles due to an over sensitivity in the engine management software.

TNN31-06-2004-02-24 A new battery mounting bracket and positive terminal protection has been introduced on 2004 S60, S80, V70, and XC70 vehicles as a running change. See photo. As a result the battery cover and the associated hardware have been deleted and should not be installed during Service.

TNN35-14-2004-03-08 Title: Bi-Xenon Headlamp Ballast

Under certain conditions, ballasts in vehicles equipped with Bi-Xenon headlamps may not function. The ballast functions as the voltage regulator and generates alternate current. It transforms the vehicles current from 12V to 1,000V during startup. Once the bulbs are lit, it then reduces the voltage to 100V. Its main tasks are to light the bulbs and to control the light during operation. New improved ballast has been introduced into production from the chassis break shown.

TNN36-38-2004-10-27 Title: Rain Sensor Function

This Tech Net Note is intended to provide additional information about the Rain Sensor and its functionality, now a factory option available on 2003 vehicles


Title: Automatic Locking System - Activation and or Deactivation - Can be activated by 2007 Owner's without Software Download.

From MY2007, SW download is not required to activate/deactivate the automatic locking function. This can be done by the customer via the central locking button on the driver's side. If the function is activated, the doors lock automatically when vehicle speed exceeds 5 mph (7 km/h). The doors will remain locked until a door is opened from the inside or unlocked using a central locking button. (Note: Opening one door from the inside will not unlock the other doors. Each must be opened from the inside individually, or the driver can use the central unlock button on the driver door control panel or the remote control.) Unlock an auto-locked trunk or tailgate with a central locking button, or by pressing the Unlock or Trunk/Tailgate Unlock button on the remote control. The function is also described in the owner's manual: Locks and alarm/ automatic locking

TNN37-27-2004-08-12 Title: Driver Information Module Software

Trip meters T1 and T2 in the Driver Information Module (DIM) may simultaneously reset to zero without driver command in model year 2004 S80, S60, V70, V70XC, and XC90 vehicles produced from structure week 200310 through structure week 200408.

Driver Information Module upgrade software has been developed to correct this concern. To correct Trip Meter reset, if reported on vehicles within the structure weeks above, order and download DIM Upgrade software product 30677020 using normal VADIS routines. Driver Information Module illumination (LED brightness level) will also be increased in conjunction with DIM upgrade software if no previous DIM upgrade has been performed.


MODEL: S40, V50, S60, S80, V70, XC70, XC90, M. YEAR: 2006

Title: 7500 Mile Courtesy Service, Personalized Customer Settings

REFERENCE: SMB 00-233 dated 9-8-2005

Model Year 2006 introduces the 7,500 mile Courtesy Service. This service will provide the opportunity to introduce your customers to an enhanced 7,500 mile service interval and improve upon their total Volvo ownership experience.

• This service will now include a customer offer, at no charge, to personalize applicable car settings to items such as seat heating temperature, courtesy light delay timing, home safe lighting delay timing and remote unlocking function. This creates a whole new opportunity for Volvo service professionals to talk about the benefits of our technically advanced vehicles and promote these advantages, while your customers will see added value in their new Volvo. This dialogue will also help customers to better understand (and change) the operation of some of the features on their Volvo!

Service Advisor Actions Needed:

• It is imperative that the Service Advisor take the initiative to review and discuss these options with the customer so that the customer has a better understanding of the features and functions, and has the opportunity to personalize their settings as it might

suit their needs.

• Make copies of the attached summary check sheets to be used to guide the discussion with the customer

• Get customer sign off to any changes to the listed personalized settings

• The check sheet should be used to route the request to the technician

• The signed check sheet must be kept as an attachment to the file copy of the repair Order

Technician Actions Needed:

• Use the applicable worksheet based on the vehicle model to change the personal settings based on the customer's request.

Warranty Administration

• See SMB 00-233 dated 10-28-2005 for claim and payment information

TNN38-16-2006-07-21 Title: MY 2006 SRL (Service Reminder Light inoperative)

Due to a fault in the DIM programming from the factory on the indicated vehicles, the SRL will not illuminate at the specified mileage or global time for the first service interval (7,500 miles or 1year). Engine hours are not affected.

Once the SRL reset is performed at the CPS (Customer Preparation Service) or 7500 mile

Service, the DIM (Driver's Information Module) mileage and global time counters will operate normally and the SRL will illuminate at the proper intervals.

TNN43-45-2004-06-04 Title: Ignition Interlock Cable Clip

The yellow plastic ignition interlock cable clip can be damaged when it is unlocked to perform a repair. Because of this, it should be replaced with a new clip (PN 30711794) whenever it is unlocked. Future VADIS versions will reflect this change in repair method.


In the event that a software upgrade is specified for any body and interior electronic control module the software product numbers in this TNN must be used, and in all cases supersede all Function I D (FID) information previously supplied.

TNN 85-25-2004-12-07 Title: Interior - Front Seat Slide Rail Adjustment This TNN describes the method for proper front seat slide rail adjustment after replacing or removing a seat from the vehicle. If this is not properly done, front seat movement under acceleration or deceleration might be experienced.

TNN85-26-2005-07-15 Title: Interior - Power Seat Rocks Fore and or Aft on Accel and or Decel

On cars equipped with power seats, a small fore and aft or rocking movement of the seat during acceleration and deceleration might be experienced in certain cases. This Tech Net Note describes how to reduce this movement in case of a customer complaint.

TNN85-28-2007-06-18 Title: Front Seats, Play in Lower Part of Backrest/Adjust (2005- )

Some customers may complain about play in the lower part of the front seat backrest. The concern occurs mainly during stop and go driving. Sometimes the play is combined with a knocking noise that can be heard from the recliner area.

TNN87-40-2001-10-05 Title: Climate Control Module Recirculation Timer Function.

This information is intended to assist in better understanding the Recirculation Timer Function found in the Climate Control Module (CCM) in these models. The CCM has two recirculation modes: normal and timed. In normal mode, when the recirculation button is pressed, the system recirculates the interior air until the driver takes further action. In timed mode, when the recirculation button is pressed, the system recirculates air for 5 to 12 minutes, depending on outside air temperature, and then reverts to fresh air. Timed mode eliminates the need to manually revert to fresh air by pressing a button.

Note: Vehicles equipped with the Interior Air Quality System do not have the timed recirculation mode.

ACTIVATING/DEACTIVATING TIMED RECIRCULATION MODE S/V/C70 Vehicles: With the key in position II, press and hold the Recirculation button for three to five seconds.

- If both the green fresh air and amber recirculation button LEDs begin flashing, you are entering "timed" mode.

- If both LEDs shine steady, you are exiting "timed" mode.

Mode Memory: If the vehicle is switched off while recirculation timer mode is active, timer mode will still be active when the vehicle is restarted.

TNN87-49-2005-03-15 Title: Climate Control Module, temperature drop during extended drive, or temperature deviation between left and right side.

Cases have been reported of cars with temperature deviation, more than 7 °F, between left and right air outlets after driving for a period of time. In other cases, the temperature dropped during extended driving.

If the vehicle is within the listed chassis range, follow the service procedure in this document. If the vehicle is above the listed chassis range, follow fault tracing as per VADIS.

Type Model MY Chassis Plant

384 S60 2005 425000-464304 22

285 V70 2005 459000-499621 21 & 22

295 XC70 2005 173000-192486 21

TNN87-51-2005-07-15 Title: A/C System Intermittently Stops Working. Possibly Overcharged.

Under specific conditions, high temperatures and stop and go traffic, the A/C system may

intermittently stop working. For cars with this symptom, check if the A/C system is filled with the correct amount of refrigerant. If the A/C system is found to be overcharged, refill the system with the correct amount of refrigerant.

TNN87-53-2005-11-01 Title: Air Conditioning Musty Odors From Vents

TNN87-53-2007-10-05 Title: Air Conditioning System Odor / Afterblow Function

Under certain conditions, customers may complain about a musty odor from the A/C system. Activating the afterblow function will minimize this from occurring.

TNN87-54-2005-11-30 Title: Temperature Coming Out of the Climate Vents may Start to Cycle from Max Hot Back to Full Cold When Max Hot is Requested.

If the temperature knobs are turned to max hot, the temperature coming out of the climate vents may start to cycle from max hot back to full cold with a period of 4-15 seconds. No Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are stored. The number of steps on a temperature Damper Motor Module (DMM) may have increased from factory settings, causing the affected DMM to set a "not calibrated" flag to the Climate Control Module (CCM). This causes the climate system to self-calibrate over and over again resulting in the cycling temperature from the vents.

TNN87-56-2006-12-11 Title: Whistling Sound from Windshield / Dashboard Area, Passenger Side

If a whistling sound or wind noise is heard from the passenger side dashboard area of the cabin. One reason for this may be that the foam sealing between the body and climate unit (air inlet) is incorrectly positioned. The sound may vary in strength but is more audible at higher speeds; 50 mph (80kph) and above.

TNN88-41-2006-07-12 Title: Air Bag System - System Life Expectancy

Based on testing and experience since the 1980's, Volvo has extended the lifetime of the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) components to be the same as the lifetime of the car.

This lifetime extension supersedes all previous publications concerning Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) component lifetime. Periodic inspections and servicing of the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) components, based solely on the age of the vehicle, are no longer required.

The lifetime extension applies to all pyrotechnic components in vehicles equipped with Supplemental Restraint System (SRS):

Driver airbag module

Passenger airbag module

Seat belts with pyrotechnic seat belt pretensioners

SIPS (Side Impact Protection System) airbag module

IC (Inflatable Curtain) airbag module

Adaptive Steering Column (ASC)

Adaptive Load Limiter (ADLL)

TNN88-45-2007-02-08 Title: Lit PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indication with belted adult passenger.

Customers may experience a lit PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indication in the overhead

console (S40, V50, C70, S80 MY07) or interior rear view mirror (S60, S80 MY06, V70, XC70, XC90) with a belted adult passenger in the front passenger seat. When this happens, the PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF indication will typically remain lit until the passenger unbuckles the seat belt or moves out of the seat.


ENGINE (ETM, Crankcase Ventilation, Low Boost, ECM Software)

TNN20-04-2007-01-22 Title: Engine Management Software Upgrade

Reference: Tech-Net Note 00-87

To support the features provided in the PIE 2 software part ordering system which take effect with VADIS version 2003 C/D it will be necessary to refer to existing Tech-Net Notes for symptom, diagnostic and procedural information. In the event that a software upgrade is specified for an engine management related control unit the software product numbers below must be used, and in all cases supersede all Function I D (FID) information previously supplied.

ONE SOFTWARE PRODUCT NUMBER WILL BE USED FOR ALL VARIANTS IN A PRODUCT RANGE. I.e. model year, turbo/non turbo, control unit mfr. etc. The confirmed download of an upgrade software product assures that all of the latest software for the module specified has been successfully delivered to the vehicle.


C 70 UPGRADE ECM 30677000

C 70 UPGRADE ETM 30677001

X 70 UPGRADE ECM 30677005

X 70 UPGRADE ETM 30677007

P 2 UPGRADE ECM 30677021

P 2 UPGRADE ETM 30677023

Software product numbers for upgrade of electronic control units will be available in the software manager’s drop down list in future VADIS versions. For a complete list of software product numbers for electronic control unit upgrade please refer to Tech-Net Note 00-87 dated 9-15-2003.

If the message invalid is received during an order, the control module may already contain all of the latest software. Always consult VADIS software order operations “details” for additional information.

TNN20-05-2007-01-31 Title: Procedure for Cleaning Engine Oil System Contamination. Models: 1999-Present

This TNN provides the customer with an alternative lower cost repair rather than engine replacement. It may be required to perform such cleaning if the engine has been contaminated due to the use of engine oil additives, use of engine oils that do not meet the manufacture's requirements, or not following the manufacture's recommended oil change intervals. Any engine related damage caused by the conditions stated above is not considered warrantable.

TNN21-13-2002-01-24 Title: Oil Weepage, Rear Engine Seal, Flywheel Retaining Bolts

The source of oil weepage from the rear of the engine could be the flywheel retaining bolts. The threaded holes in the rear flange of the crankshaft are drilled straight through and are exposed to oil inside the crankcase. New retaining bolts have been introduced with additional thread sealant.

TNN21-21-2005-08-15 Title: Engine may have a rough idle, DTC ECM misfire codes, rough running or lack of power.

The Customer may have a complaint of a rough idle, rough running, lack of power or the MIL on.

• Read out DTC's

• Check compression and do a leak down test with the engine cold.

• Check valve clearance on the cylinders with low compression.

• Remove the cylinder head and check the condition of the valve face.

• If the valve face is worn, replace ALL the intake valves, even if some look okay.

• Use ONLY intake valves with P/N 30637059.

TNN25-14-2003-01-09 Title: Inconsistent Idle Speed, A/C On Carbon deposits can form in the coolant nipple (vacuum side), located on the underside of the intake manifold, and the Electronic Throttle Module (ETM) bore on cars frequently driven short distances. This residue can cause idle speed to become uneven and noticeable to the driver especially with the increased load produced by the air conditioning compressor cycling on and off. This Tech Net Note describes how to clean the coolant-heated nipple in the intake manifold and the ETM bore.

TNN25-149A-2006-07-07 Title: Troubleshooting the Electronic Throttle System (ETS).

The fault tracing for ETS codes in VIDA has been enhanced to include more background information on Faults sub system and the criteria for detecting a fault. Where applicable if there are differences between the original software's fault detection criteria and the new ETS software (March 2006 and later) the differences are described in the fault code information.

TNN25-149B-2006-02-20 Title: Checking the Crankcase Ventilation System.

This TNN describes a new method for checking the functionality of crankcase ventilation.

TNN25-149C-2006-02-20 Title: Cleaning the Crankcase Ventilation.

This TNN is an update of the existing method for cleaning the crankcase ventilation system shown in SB 25-0035 February 2004.

TNN25-149D-2006-02-20 Title: Cleaning the Crankcase Ventilation and Electronic Throttle Module.

This TNN describes the method for cleaning the Crankcase Ventilation and Electronic Throttle Module (ETM). Cleaning must always be preceded by fault-tracing according to Vida and TNN 25-149-A.

TNN25-149E-2006-03-03 Title: Electronic Throttle Module (ETM) Replacement.

This TNN describes an update of the existing method for Electronic Throttle Body (ETM) replacement. Replacement must always be preceded by fault-tracing according to VIDA and TNN 25-149-A.

TNN25-149F-2006-03-16 Title: Electronic Throttle System Software

Beginning March 17th 2006 there will be an Electronic Throttle System (ETS) software upgrade available for the vehicles listed above. The software contains changes that will reduce driver disturbances by allowing the system to better differentiate between glitches or minor disturbances, and system faults. The upgraded software will also reduce driver disturbances due to idle oscillations caused by dirt build-up in the throttle. TNN 25-149A will be updated to guide service technicians on the changes. The fault tracing for each DTC in the TNN will give guidance on where it is appropriate to use the software as a solution for DTC's triggered in the vehicles current software. As the ETS software resides in both the Electronic Throttle Module (ETM) and the Engine Control Module (ECM), both will receive new software with the upgrade.

TNN28-48-2003-06-23 Title: Poor driveability after cold start on MY 02 5-cylinder non-turbo engines may be experienced.

Initial start is always good, but the following symptoms could occur after start:

1. Rough running / misfire during idle just after cold start.

2. Stalling when coming to a stop, most common during engine warm up but also possible with engine at operating temperature.

3. Hesitation / stalling during engine warm up when the vehicle is put in gear and light throttle is applied

These conditions can be caused by faulty operation of the CVVT function.

TNN28-49-2006-02-13 Title: DTC 250A, 2200 and 220A

Model Year 2003 and 2004 S60 and V70 cars equipped with Denso engine management systems may have poor drivability, hesitation or RPM dips. The Check Engine Light may illuminate with DTC ECM250A, 2200 and /or 220A stored in the ECM. Any or all DTC's listed could be stored. Update the engine management software using the Software part number 30677021 (Upgrade ECM ) via the Software Tab in VIDA.

TNN 28-55-2005-02-09 Title: Engine Controls - Cooling Fan On/DTC 2000 Set

Model Year 2003-2004, when the engine is started in very cold temperatures, the customer may also have noticed that the cooling fan was running at engine start. An engine Software is now available to address this condition.

TNN28-58-2005-07-29 Title: DTC 640A Signal Too High

On 2005 vehicles, fault trace DTC 640A Signal Too High using the service information in VIDA. If no mechanical concerns are found, download new software to the ECM using the SW P/N 30677021 (ECM Upgrade) using VIDA.

TNN28-67-2006-04-21 Title: Engine Controls - MIL ON and or DTC 275C and or Low Turbo Boost\

DTC 275C "Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal Too High" may be wrongly triggered in any of the above vehicles, under the following driving conditions:

1. Vehicle driven short distance after cold start.

2. Engine turned off for short time, and then re-started while still warm.

DTC 275C will result in the following:

1. Check engine lamp illumination

2. Temperature gauge will read zero

3. Turbo boost will be limited.

TNN28-68-2006-04-21 Title: DTC 436B "Leak diagnostic unit – signal missing"

DTC 436B "Leak diagnostic unit – signal missing" may be incorrectly set in any of the above vehicles due to an over sensitivity in the engine management software. If the Engine Control Module (ECM) software part number is one of the following:

30771287 30771288 30771289 30771290 30771291 30771292 30771293

30771498 30771499 30771500 30771501 30771502 30771503 30771504

Upgrade the ECM software as described below, then test the system using the "quick-test of the fuel tank system" via VIDA vehicle communication, fault trace any faults according to VIDA. If the ECM software part number is anything other than one of the above, the upgrade has already been applied, and DTC 436B should be fault traced per VIDA.

TNN 28-74-2008-01-03 Title: Engine Controls - Software Update for EVAP DTC's The diagnostic monitor for the evaporative emission system small leak from model year 2003 to present, has used a software function that calculates leakage based on a pressure inferred from the current consumed by an electric pump that pumps air into the fuel tank system. Our analysis has shown that the current consumption characteristic of the pumps electric motor which is part of the DMTL can change as the pump ages. This can cause a small leak to be falsely detected and the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Check Engine Light) to illuminate. A new functionality has been developed which uses a new method to accurately diagnose the leakage status of the tank system, independent of any fluctuations or ageing in the DMTL or other components.

TNN28-145 Title: Recall - Software Upgrade for EVAP System Performance

Certain model year 2005 S60, S80, V70, XC70 and XC90 vehicles do not meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resource Board (CARB) for removing pollutants from the Evaporative Emissions System. The requirement only pertains to purge performance and does not affect the safety or drivability of the vehicle. However in certain cases, this may cause the vehicle to fail a state inspection or Smog Check test.

The corrective action will be a software upgrade of the Engine Control Module (ECM).


TRANSMISSION( Automatic, Manual, Angle Gear)

TNN40-02-2007-12-18 Title: Engine, Auto Trans Controls - DEM and TCM Software Updates

Update for General Shift Quality on 2002-2007, 5 and 6 speed Automatic Transmissions.

The TNN defines TCM and DEM software Upgrades that are available to correct the complaints / symptoms listed.

TNN40-04-2005-10-13 Title: Auto Trans, Manual Trans, AWD - Approved Lubricants Authorized Lub

TNN41-01-2008-02-08 Title: Clutch Shock Limiter.

Note! If using a printed version of a TNN, first check for the latest online version.


Note! VIDA uses the three terms, "clutch control cylinder," "clutch slave cylinder," and

"throwout bearing," interchangeably. VIDA uses the two terms, "shock limiter" and "air vent pipe," interchangeably.

The purpose of the shock limiter is to gradually re-engage the clutch disc in high

torque applications in order to reduce the vibration/shock from the re-applied engine torque while changing gears. There is an improved shock limiter available and has been put into production after the chassis numbers listed above.

am 1. November 2009 um 10:30

part 2

( also more R - line problems discovered ) :


TNN43-20-07122002 Title: Adaptation Procedure – S/V 70, S/V 40, and C70 with AW 55-50 Transmission

The AW 55-50 automatic transmission used in certain MY 00 S/V 70’s and all MY 01 S/V40, C70, vehicles incorporate adaptive functions. If a software download is performed, the transmission or TCM are replaced, or the vehicle is new, an adaptation procedure may need to be performed. Complaints of harsh gear engagement and harsh upshifts/downshifts are indications that the adaptation procedure may not have been completed.

1. In order to perform the adaptation procedure the ATF temperature must be within 65-110°C (150-230°F). Accelerating the vehicle in Winter mode will help raise the fluid temperature if it is below 65°C (150°F). A stall test should not be used to heat up the fluid. Read the temperature with VADIS. The adaptation will not be completed if the fluid temperature is not within this range.

2. With the ATF within the specified temperature range start driving the vehicle with light throttle. Using approximately 15% throttle keep a steady pedal through all the gears until 4th gear is reached. It is not possible to reach 5th gear with this pedal position. Repeat until the shift quality is OK at each gear change.

3. Repeat step 2 with approximately 25% pedal application. Keep a steady pedal through all the gears until 5th gear is reached.

4. Accelerate to approximately 45 mph (72 km/h) and decrease the speed by lightly applying the brake until the vehicle stops. This should take approximately 7 seconds. Repeat this until the quality of the downshifts is OK.

5. Apply the brake and put the gear selector in the P position. Move the lever to the R position and wait 5 seconds. Move the selector back to P position and wait another 5 seconds. Repeat until the R engagement is OK.

6. Repeat the procedure in step 5 moving between N position and D position until the D engagement is OK.

TNN43-27-2004-01-22 Title: AW55-50 Adaptation Procedure.

The AW55-50 gearbox relies on adaptive data to properly adjust its shift pressure. This data is collected and memorized by the TCM and then used to adjust shift feel/quality. If the adaptation is not complete, it may result in:

- Shift Flare: Engine RPM increases during a shift. This symptom often feels like the car has temporarily lost drive or the transmission is slipping. It is usually the 2-3 upshift that flares the most.

- Harsh Down Shifts: Harshness felt during a coast-down shift (zero throttle downshift).

- Harsh Garage Shifts: Harshness when shifting P-D, N-D, P-R, or N-R while at a standstill.

- Harsh Neutral Control Engagement/Disengagement: After coming to a complete stop in Drive, with your foot on the brake the TCM waits 2 seconds and then disengages drive to reduce emissions and minimize idle vibrations. This disengagement is normally smooth and isn’t felt by the driver. If adaptation is not complete then a “thud” can be felt in the car 2 seconds after coming to a complete stop. When the brake pedal is released, the re-engagement of Drive should be relatively smooth. A harsh re-engagement can be felt if the adaptation is not complete. Neutral Control is present on all 2001 MY S60s and V70s. It is also present on nonturbo 2002 S60s and V70s produced before January 2002.

TNN43-28-2002-03-18 Title: Delayed shifts when cold

The 2001 and beyond vehicles with AW 55-50 transmission use an emissions feature known as “Cat-Start”. When the engine coolant temperature is low, the upshifts are delayed for quick heating of the catalytic converter. It is especially noticeable on the 1-2 and 2-3 shifts. This is a normal condition which is referred to in the “Starting and Driving” section of the vehicle owner’s manual. Once the engine coolant temperature increases, the shift points return to their normal level.

TNN43-38-2006-02-09 Title: AW55 Neutral Control Function

A function called ‘Neutral Control’ is present on all 2001 V70 and S60 cars. It is also present on 2002 non-turbo V70 and S60 cars built before January 2002. When the vehicle comes to a stop, the Transmission Control Module (TCM) activates Neutral Control. Even though the gear selector is in the Drive position, a Neutral condition is engaged hydraulically in the transmission. Neutral Control disengages when the brake pedal is released or the throttle is applied.

When the neutral control function is incorrect, there are three symptoms that can be felt in the car:

1. After coming to a complete stop and keeping the brakes applied, a "thump" can be felt in the car. It is felt about 2 seconds after coming to a stop.

2. When releasing the brake there is a harsh or double re-engagement of drive.

3. When idling in 'D' range with the brake applied, the engine speed oscillates (fluctuates).

TNN43-40-2004-03-03 Title: Buzzing Noise from M66 Shifter, S60R/V70R.

Some customers may complain of a "Buzzing" noise from the manual shift lever in S60R / V70R cars. The noise is most easily heard when accelerating at high engine RPM (3000 RPM and higher). Applying light pressure to the shifter by hand will make the noise disappear.

TNN43-42-2003-12-12 Title: TCM SW Upgrade, 2-3 Upshift Flare.

MODEL/YEAR: MY 03-04 S60 / V70 / XC70 / S80AWD / XC90 with AW 55 transmission.

Model year 2003 & 2004 S60, V70, XC70 and XC90 cars with the AW 55 transmission may experience ‘2-3 upshift flare’. This shift flare may be described by the customer as the transmission slipping; the car feeling like it was in neutral for a short time, the tachometer needle jumping up or the engine racing during a shift. Quality Upgrade software has been developed to minimize this condition.

If a customer has a complaint that matches the above description, Upgrade the TCM SW (software product number 30677036). This SW is very similar to the original SW in the TCM, so the Adaptation should NOT be reset to zero. The car should then be test driven according to the adaptive test drive found in VADIS.

Model Chassis No.

S60 - 378262

V70 - 411253 factory code "1" - 410423 factory code "2"

XC70 - 149389

S80 AWD - 364796

XC90 – 082566

TNN43-47-2005-11-01 Title: Difficult to engage 1st and/or

Reverse gear.

MODEL: Vehicles with 5 or 6 Speed Manual Transmissions, M. YEAR: 1999-2005

Some customers may complain that it is difficult to engage 1st and/or reverse gear, especially after the car has been sitting overnight.

This Tech Net Note supersedes the previous 43-47, dated 8/5/04. Please update your files. This applies to all 1999 S/V/C 70 cars, as well as S40/V50/S60/V70 cars built before: 544 -053404, 545 -048974, 384 -425275, 285 -459438



43104 Gearbox, remove and install

S60R: 5.9

V70R: 5.8

TNN43-48-2005-12-20 Title: Coolant Contamination in Automatic Transmissions

The root cause for some automatic transmission failures is glycol contamination from the engine cooling system. Severe cases of contamination are easy to detect by a visual inspection: The transmission oil will have a milky appearance and there may be signs of oil in the coolant reservoir. Less severe cases are impossible to detect without doing a chemical analysis of the transmission oil. This slight contamination is easy to overlook and will result in a repeat transmission failure. A small leak from the cooling system into the transmission can cause driveability problems long before there are any visual signs of contamination.

TNN43-49-2006-04-06 Title: AW55 TCM DTC 010A, 010B, 010C Shift Solenoid S5 signal low, high or missing.

A likely cause for a DTC related to the S5 solenoid (010A, 010B, 010C) in the AW55 transmission on a model year 2004 or 2005 vehicle is a broken wiring terminal at the solenoid

TNN43-53-2007-11-09 Title: Auto Trans - TF80-SC Diagnostic Information Summary - Valve Body Replacement.

This document summarizes customer complaints related to the 6 speed Automatic Transmission (TF80-SC) and should be used together with the information in VIDA.

The Valve Body should be replaced to address the following symptoms:

1. Customer complaints about 2-3 upshift quality. The shift may be described as harsh, or as a shudder. The symptom is usually more apparent during the first few minutes of driving after a cold start.

2. Customer complaints of shudder when slowing down, just before coming to a stop. The symptom may also be described as a harsh downshift just before coming to a stop.

3. Neutral condition in 4th, 5th & 6th gear; normal behavior in 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Reverse. One or more of the following DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) may be present: P073400, P073500, P072900, and P089600.

4. Neutral condition in all gears except 5th & Reverse, usually with DTC P273300 set. DTCs for gear ratio(s) may also be set such as P073000, P073100, P073200, or P073400.

Note: Transmissions starting with serial number 06J and later already have the latest valve body which is designed to prevent these symptoms.

TNN43-55-2007-11-15 Title: Shifter stuck in Geartronic mode.

Plastic residue on the shifter fork (see photo below) may prevent the shifter from returning to D (drive) mode from Geartronic mode. This will also prevent the car from going into park or neutral so if the engine is shut off, the engine will not be able to be restarted.

TNN46-08-2004-03-10 Title: Oil Weepage from Angle Gear Vent.

If oil weepage is found at the Angle Gear Vent, a new vent valve should be installed.

TNN46-10-2007-04-27 Title: Propeller Shaft Front CV (constant velocity) Joint Available as a Spare.

The front CV joint for original equipment propshafts on all AWD cars is now available as …more a spare part kit. This kit includes the boot, joint w/ seals, cover, clamp, lock-ring, seals and grease.

Part Models/Years: 1998-2007

TNN46-11-2008-01-20 Title: DEM DTCs (Differential Electronic Module Diagnostic Trouble Codes)

The following DEM DTCs could be caused by a faulty Temperature/Pressure sensor in the AOC (Active On-Demand Coupling) on the vehicles listed above:

P093211, P093215, P093711, P093715, P093827, P096162, P188973, P188974, P188A68, 0001, 0002, 0007, 000B

TNN46-13-2008-04-18 Title: 5 Cylinder Angle Gear Leakage and Resealing

Oil leakage/moisture from the angle gear halves can be resolved by resealing the housing and replacing the seals. The angle gear itself does not normally need to be replaced. There are two reasons an angle gear should not be resealed and instead should be replaced:

1.) There is angle gear noise/binding while driving.

2.) There is angle gear backlash, bearing damage, or excessive pinion shaft play found

during disassembly.


SUSPENSION (Steering, Shocks, Exhaust, Brakes, Wheels)

Latest Alignment Specifications: Specs.

TNN17-21-2003-05-08 Title: Transport Spring Spacers

Transport spring spacers will be installed on both the V70R and the S60R during vehicle transport. Prior to driving these vehicles above 15 mph, the spring spacers should be removed.

TNN21-18-2004-05-04 Title: Sub Frame Squeaking Noise.

Under certain conditions when driving in cold and or wet weather a squeaking or crunching type noise may be heard from the vehicle sub frame bushings.

This noise may be more noticeable during low speed maneuvers or when braking at low speeds. From the chassis break point listed below a new insulating washer PN 30660816 has been introduced in production and is available as a service solution. If the customer should experience this condition and the vehicle is below the chassis # listed the sub frame washers should be installed.

TNN25-26-2007-01-25 -- Title: Exhaust System Mounting

Page 4 of this TNN specifically addresses the removal of the Infamous Exhaust Bracket on the S60R/V70R.


TNN51-09-2005-03-30 Title: Brakes Squeak

A front brake caliper dampener and new rear brake pads with improved noise suppression properties have been introduced in production. These improvements are now available as a service solution. If a customer should complain of a squealing noise from the front or rear brakes follow the appropriate instructions


- PAD PART NUMBER: 30645135. 1161-BG brake paste.

Starting W10 '05 a special "Vibration damper" will be available to prevent brake noise at the front. The part number 30748514 consists of a plate which needs to be mounted at the back of the caliper mounting point on the hub, behind the bolts. Drawings indicate that the plate makes a more rigid construction for the caliper.

TNN59-12-2004-02-17 Title: DSTC Bulletin

On Vehicles with DSTC, under certain conditions BCM code 0121 or 0127 could be stored if the wheel alignment is out of specification.

TNN60-08-2005-03-23 Title: Rear Control Arm Bushing, Improved Stability

DESCRIPTION: Under certain conditions while driving on curved roads over uneven road surfaces a customer may complain about handling properties. In some cases the customer may complain about a sidestepping sensation from the rear of the vehicle. A new control arm bushing has been introduced in production from the chassis number listed below.

Type Engine code Chassis #

384 52 - 476762

285 52 - 507989

SERVICE: If a customer should complain about this condition and the vehicle is below the listed chassis number the rear control arm bushings should be replaced using PN 30748437. Use the instructions listed in VIDA / VADIS remove and replace the lower rear inner control arm bushings.

Note: The total rear toe should be set to 0.16 +/- 0.1 degrees.

TNN60-10-2007-10-25 Title: Repair of pulling condition during driving or acceleration.

There may be complaints about vehicles which pull during steady driving or during acceleration. If an alignment is performed as per VIDA, using the specifications in Service Bulletin 60-5500, and this does not resolve the complaint, you may use the diagnosis & repair flow chart under Service in this TNN to try to remedy the condition.

TNN61-06-2004-05-06 Title: Ball Joint Replacement - NEW METHOD (replaces all previous methods)

This TNN describes a new method for replacing the ball joint. The specified tightening and counterhold techniques must be adhered to in order to achieve a secure joint after replacing the ball joint nut. Care must be used in order to avoid damage to the rubber sealing boot during installation.

TNN64-17-2004-04-13 Title: Power steering fluid leak at reservoir

Under certain conditions the power steering system may leak fluid at the reservoir suction hose connection. An improved reservoir was introduced later in production

TNN64-21-2006-05-03 Title: Steering noise, yoke adjustment

Under certain conditions a knocking, thumping, or clicking noise may be heard from the steering. The noise may be heard as a metallic or hydraulic noise. The noise can be heard under the following conditions:

Driving on uneven roads or other large imperfections in the road, especially during right-hand turns.

When stationary, turning the wheel quickly from side to side. The noise may be heard with the engine on or off, and may also be felt in the steering wheel.

Driving at slow speeds and turning the steering wheel back and forth/left and right. The noise can become louder when there is increased torque with the steering wheel movements.

TNN64-23-2007-01-25 Title: ZF Power Steering System Fault Tracing and Repair.

This Tech Net Note is designed to assist with overall identification and repair of various problems with ZF-manufactured steering systems. ZF steering gears were factory-equipped. NOTE: If you are having reoccurring steering noise this is a worthwhile TNN to purchase.

TNN70-01-2003-09-22 Title: Suspension Control Module Software Upgrade


TNN72-06-2005-06-28 Title: Rear Suspension Popping / Spring Noise

While driving over small road disturbances a popping or spring ("boing")noise might be heard from the rear suspension. This could be caused by the rear coil spring chaffing against the lower spring seat

TNN76-04-2004-02-09 Title: Noise from rear shocks R - Cars

NO: 76-04 CHASSIS: 285 0349395 -384 0315516

A noise from the rear shock absorbers may occur when driving over small road disturbances.

The SUM (Suspension Module) should be loaded with the new SW Quality Upgrade, FID 950(P/N 8691393). To check if FID 950 (P/N 8691393) has already been downloaded to a vehicle, the unique SW P/N 30669894 should be able to read out from the SUM via VADIS. The SUM has to be calibrated after downloading this software. See VADIS for procedure: Vehicle Communication/ Group 7/ Suspension Module/ Calibrating the system.

NOTE! The Headlights need to be in the on position prior to calibration; if the headlights are not turned on during calibration they could be set out of position.

TNN77-08-2004-03-25 Title: Front Axle Ping Noise

When performing garage shifts (Drive to Reverse / Reverse to Drive), the hub axle interface may make a ping type noise. This noise may also be heard while cruising and changing from acceleration to deceleration. Note: For those who have had no luck with the metal adhesive fix should request the axle bolt specified in the XC90’s TNN77- 09.

TNN77-11-2005-01-13 Title: Wheel Bolts Corroding.

Under certain conditions the wheel bolts may have evidence of surface corrosion. If you should have a customer concern with this issue and the vehicle falls within the chassis range listed below, please install wheel bolt caps (kit PN 9139853).

TNN81-04-2003-07-29 Title: When lifting a vehicle it is important to use the proper lifting locations and procedure as defined in VADIS. These locations are designed to support the weight of the body when lifted. If not lifted correctly, the body can deform and in some instances create an "oil can" like popping noise when the body is flexed (i.e. when in motion).

TNN81-05-2004-03-10 Title: Knocking noise when turning

A knocking (or clicking) noise may occur from the front of the vehicle when turning, slowly going over bumps, and/or entering an inclined surface (driveway, parking lot etc.). The noise usually occurs when the body undergoes a twisting (flexing) motion. The noise can originate from the bumper rail contacting the front side member(s).


ELECTRICAL (Alternator, CEM, No Start)

TNN32-02-2005-05-09 Title: Alternator Charging Problems.

Analysis of damaged alternators shows that the regulator may get damaged due to extreme weather conditions with high temperature and high humidity. The regulator may fail in two phases.

TNN32-03-2005-07-14 Title: Alternator; Noisy.

If there are reported cases of alternator noise and/or auxiliary belt damage, it may be possible that the belt is not tracking properly.

TNN32-04-2005-12-14 Title: CEM DTC DD21 due to faulty LIN-network, Alternator Not Charging.

DTC CEM-DD21 may be set because of faulty communication between the Alternator and CEM due to the installation of extra LIN wiring for the upcoming BLIS, (Blind Spot Information System). Customers may also report an intermittent DIM message "POWER SYSTEM SERVICE REQUIRED" It may be possible that there is a pinched LIN-bus wire from the CEM to the BLIS-system between A-pillar body and the dashboard assembly on the left side.

TNN36-59-2007-05-04 Title: No Crank No Start: CEM-6C48, CEM-6C49, ECM-710B, ECM-720A, ECM-P160200, ECM-U014100

The customer may experience a no crank no start condition (starter motor not activated). An error message saying "Start prohibited, try again" will be displayed in the Driver Information Module (DIM) display and Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) CEM-6C48 or CEM-6C49 will be stored in the Central Electronic Module (CEM). The engine will usually not start even after several attempts.

TNN37-35-2006-05-23 Title: CEM harness terminal corrosion due to water entrance in plenum (Instruction for new harness installation)

Various electrical function and communication symptoms may occur in M/Y 2005-2006

vehicles caused by wet corrosion in the CEM (Central Electrical Module) connector. The

grommet that seals the harness entrance to the Plenum box may not seal properly if it has

been incorrectly assembled. This may cause a number of different functionality symptoms and DTC's to be set.

Examples include but not limited to:

?? Headlight on, even if ignition key is taken out of ignition lock.

?? Warning messages in DIM (Driver's Information Module) display.

?? Warning lamps lit up.

?? Brake lights always on.

?? No start condition.


AUDIO (Radio, On-Call Plus)

TNN39-28-2001-09-12 Title: "Search" displayed on HU-80x Radio

Model: S60, V70, V70 XC, and S80

Reference: Vehicle Owner's Manual

When selecting a pre-set FM Station on an HU-801 or HU-803 radio, it is possible to have a "Search" message displayed for several seconds before playing the station. HU-801 and HU-803 radios use RDS (Radio Data System). RDS allows text information to be transmitted with the radio signal. The text information is then displayed on the radio display. When stations which transmit an RDS Signal are memorized, some RDS information is also memorized. If the radio signal is weak, the RDS information may be unrecognizable to the radio. When the radio is unable to decode the RDS signal for a pre-set station, it searches for the RDS profile, thus entering the "Search" mode. The radio will "Search" for the RDS information for several seconds (with the radio muted), then stop searching and play the station.

If a customer complaint is consistent with the above description, it is possible to avoid the "Search" mode. Since the radio is searching for the memorized RDS information, the station must be memorized without any RDS Signal. This can be done in two different ways, either:

* In an area of strong signal, disconnect the radio antenna and memorize the station. (With the antenna disconnected, the radio does not receive the RDS Signal, and therefore cannot memorize any RDS information).


* When "Search" is displayed, memorize the station.

NOTE: Method 2 should be explained to the customer for future use.

TNN39-43-2004-04-19 Title: Grounding of Differential Electronic Module to Reduce A.M. Band Radio Interference

Owners of all wheel drive vehicles may report A.M. radio static or a crackling noise heard in areas of weak A.M. radio reception. The disturbance is especially noticeable during acceleration and can be related to the function of the Differential Electronic Module.


Upon request, it is possible to delete the DIM message "Volvo On-Call Plus Not Activated" which occurs after the VOCP subscription has expired.


Upon request, it is possible to delete the Driver Information Module (DIM) message "Volvo On-Call Plus Not Activated" which occurs after the VOCP subscription has expired. The Phone Module must be removed from the vehicle after downloading software as described below. NOTE: The software will PERMANENTLY change the vehicle's configuration. There is no provision to restore the Volvo On-Call Plus Telephone module if it is removed. SERVICE: Order and download the appropriate software product using the normal VADIS routine.

TNN39-49-2005-08-23 Title: AM - Radio Static on Turbo Cars, Caused by PEM. Analysis has found that the PWM (Pulse Width Communication) between the Engine Control Module (ECM) and the PEM (Pump Electric Module) can induce a whining noise on the lower frequencies of the AM-band.

TNN 39-51-2008-04-16 Title: Audio System - Stuck CD's in Audio Units

This document describes the process for returning audio units diagnosed with stuck CDs. Below are two basic procedures WARRANTY RETURNS and STRAIGHT CORE RETURNS to be used as applicable.

Note: Audio units tampered with or opened, or damaged from foreign objects inserted into mechanism drives (e.g. coins, business cards or visibly evident peeling CD-R labels) will not be covered under warranty.

am 1. November 2009 um 10:42


Original geschrieben von volvocrasher

... Ich habe dieses Ruckeln bei kaltem Motor, ...

TNN28-67-2006-04-21 Title: Engine Controls - MIL ON and or DTC 275C and or Low Turbo Boost\

DTC 275C "Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal Too High" may be wrongly triggered in any of the above vehicles, under the following driving conditions:

1. Vehicle driven short distance after cold start.

2. Engine turned off for short time, and then re-started while still warm.

Danke, ist halt kein Taxi, aber beschreibt genau die Bedingungen unter denen das vorgekommen ist. Muß eh heute tanken und dann bekommt der kleine lecker S+.

am 1. November 2009 um 10:57


Original geschrieben von volvocrasher

Danke, ist halt kein Taxi, aber beschreibt genau die Bedingungen unter denen das vorgekommen ist. Muß eh heute tanken und dann bekommt der kleine lecker S+.

Ich wuensche euch viel Spass mit den Rens.

Behuetet sie gut.

Ist schon eine bewundernswerte Specie. :)



Naja, soweit ist ein V70 T6 auch nicht entfernt, dieser mit HS sttt GT, außen Barentsblau, innen Schwarz mit Alu oder dem dunklen Mattholz (oder was ist das?) und eftl. ner Tüte Chips wäre ja auch lecker.

Der R ist eine Spezies mit erschreckendem Wertverlust, macht ihn für Gebrauchtkäufer aber sehr interessant. Meiner lag ursprünglich bei ca. 68000 E mit Standheizung etc. und mein Preis lag sehr nahe an 70% Wertverlust in 4 1/4 Jahren. Im Endeffekt hätte ich für den Preis einen neuen Octavia, C4, Mondeo, Touran bekommen, nackt und mit 120PS. :eek: Dann doch lieber das Risiko eines Grinsekieferkrampfes und Tränensäcken vom Tanken, aber das wußte ich ja vorher ;)



Themenstarteram 1. November 2009 um 18:44

dito... für den Kaufpreis von meinem hätte ich nicht mal nen gescheiten 6er Golf bekommen. Geschweige denn einen, der noch etwas Ausstattung hat und nen ordentlichen Motor. Und ich spreche dabei nicht mal vom GTI... :rolleyes:

Zum Thema rucken nochmal. Ich denke das lag tatsächlich am Traktionsverlust an einem der Räder. Heute habe ich meine top erhaltenen Winterreifen drauf gezogen und gesehen, dass die Hinterreifen (Sommer) total abgefahren sind. Ich denke mal die sind bisher noch auf der VA gelaufen.

Mit den Winterreifen hab ich auf trockener Strasse keine Ungereimtheiten erkennen können. Der Motor läuft ruhig und springt gut an. Leistungsentfaltung ist für einen GT sehr gut wie ich finde,

@ esker

Danke für die Fehler- Update Liste. Die drucke ich mir mal aus. Im Forum kursieren ja ebenfalls diese Updates und Fehlerlösungen, allerdings immer nur vereinzelt.

Beim WR-Wechsel heute habe ich mir das Auto mal von unten angesehen. Das vordere Winkelgetriebe ölt. Hinten scheint trocken zu sein. Woher das kommt, muss ich mal suchen. Ich hoffe nicht, dass es im Eimer ist. Das muss doch aber der TÜVer gesehen haben. Es steht aber nichts auf dem TÜV-Bericht. Ich denke mal vorher ne Motorwäsche und dann zum TÜV... :rolleyes:

Die Spurstangenköpfe sind doch fest. Scheinen nicht ausgeschlagen zu sein. Aber die vorderen Führungsbuchsen der beiden Querlenker sind weich. Daher dieses Side-stepping bei Spurrillen an der VA. Ich denke ich werde so nach und nach auf Polyurethanbuchsen wechseln. Da kost das Stück nur 29 €. Ein kompletter Querlenker kostet 140 oder so.

Mein Endschalldämpfer ist angerostet. Das habe ich aber beim Kauf schon gemerkt. Das habe ich heute mal etwas abgeschliffen und mit Rostschutzfarbe besprüht dass es nicht so weiter rostet. Er ist aber noch nicht durch. Die zweite Blechhaut schein Edelstahl zu sein. Muss wohl ein Kurzstreckenfahrzeug gewesen sein.

Was mich am meisten nervt, ist dieses Klacken beim zurück schalten vom zweiten in den ersten Gang. Beim Anrollen an rote Ampeln mit der Motorbremswirkung zum Beispiel. Wenn es nicht die klackenden Antriebswellen sind, ist es das Getriebe oder das Winkelgetriebe. Ich werde also systematisch die möglichen Ursachen ausmerzen. So wie ich es bei meinem alten auch gemacht habe.


Grüße Nils (der selbst an einem geTÜVten Fahrzeug Fehler findet)


da hier ja einige R-Treiber reingucken, mal die Frage, ob jemand nähere Informationen zum Motor hat. In welchen Teilen unterscheidet er sich von einem 2,5T oder T5 (Hubraum ist logischerweise anders) außer natürlich dem Turbo? Habe irgendwann etwas von geschmiedeten Kolben etc. gelesen, weiß aber nicht mehr, wo das war. Mich interessiert vor allem, ob der R temperaturesistentere Komponenten als die anderen 5ender hat. Ich will meinen R langfristig behalten und überlege eben, ob eine LPG-Umrüstung sinnvoll ist oder ob man besser die Finger davon lassen sollte. Auf den ersten 30.000 nehmen sich Umrüstung und Super+ nichts, aber danach dürfte der Sparbereich beginnen. Meine GWG deckt eine Umrüstung ab, kostete nicht mehr, da habe ich es schonmal mitbestellt, woraus ich schließe, daß es nicht per se einen "No go-Vermerk" für den R gibt. Meine Reisegeschwindigkeit von 160 nimmt der R fast schon gelangweilt hin und läuft in dem Bereich sicherlich auch auf Gas nicht in den gefährlichen Bereich rein.

Der Anlagentyp (Einspritzung oder Verdampfer) ist noch offen, ebenso der Zeitpunkt, nur wenn ich umrüsten will, dann sollte ich mich beeilen, je früher, desto besser, vor allem da ich nur 2 Jahre GWG habe.



Themenstarteram 3. November 2009 um 19:38

Also abgesehen davon, dass die R's eine gute Autogasanlage locker vertragen, würde ich aber zu dem neueren System greifen. Sprich die Direkteinspritzanlage. Rein physikalisch ist sie schon mal besser und effektiver. Das Gas wurde ja schon mal komprimiert. Dafür hat man bezahlt. Warum also diesen Vorteil die entstehende Kälte zur Brennraumkühlung gepaart mit dem zusätzlichen Kraftvektor der bei verdampfenden Flüssigkeiten den Kolben zusätzlich nach unten drückt nicht ausnutzen?!?!?

Man spart sich quasi eine Wasser-Methanol- Einspritzung was schon im zweiten Weltkrieg in Flugzeugen eingesetzt wurde.

Verbrauchstechnisch sollen sie zwar keine Wunder versprechen aber das erwartet man auch nicht wirklich. Gas hat weniger Verbrennungsenergie als Sprit.

So ziemlich jeder Gaseinbauer sagt zudem, dass man nicht allzulange Vollgas (mehr als 4500U/min) auf Gas fahren soll. Ansonsten denke ich ist eine Autogasanlage für die R's bedenkenlos.

Viel schlimmer wäre der lockere Gasfuß, weil es nicht mehr so teuer ist, denn der Verschleiß erhöht sich. :D


So weit ich weiß, haben die R's einen KKK24 Lader, CVVT (variable Nockenwellenverstellung), zwei anstatt einen Ladeluftkühler, einen größeren Ölkühler (oder wars der D5??? :confused:), GT- Getriebe mit dritten Abgang für den AWD (Schaltgetrieb ebenso), dann natürlich diese super schicke Motorabdeckung, größere Einspritzdüsen (grün oder blau oder so), einen anderen Kollektor (Abgaskrümmer) der allerdings in den letzten T5 auch schon verbaut wurde. Natürlich auch auch eine andere Kurbelwelle. Der R-Motor ist glaube ich die letzte Ausbaustufe des T5 Motors des 850. Ford hat diesen Motor ein seinem Focus RS vergewaltigt. Im Grunde haben sie aber nur auf R- ähnliche Teile zurückgegriffen. Der Luftansaugtrakt ist genau wie die letzten T5 auch etwas anders um dem Durchsatz gerecht zuwerden. Die Bohrung bzw. Hub ist größer, weswegen die Zylinderwände etwas dünner werden.

Mehr weiß ich jetzt auch erstmal nicht. Falls ich was durcheinander gehauen hab, berichtigt mich bitte.

am 4. November 2009 um 10:54


Kurbelwelle: Geschmiedet, Hubhöhe 93,2mm /Gewicht 21559g/Kurbelwellenzapfen d=50mm,Hauptlagrzapfen d065mm

Hauptlager: oberen u. unteren aus Alu

Pleul: verstärkt, Geschmiedet, Länge Mitte zu Mitte 143mm, Gewicht 644g

Kurbelwellenlager: oberen u. unteren bestehen aus Bleibronzelegierung

Kolben: Graphitbeschichtete Kolben/ die Nut des oberen Kompressionsringes hat eine härtere Oberfläche (Verschleißverringerung)

Kolbenbolzen: d=23mm, l=62mm

Gewicht des Kolbens: 312g/ 478g mit Kolbenringen, Verschlussringen u. Kolbenbolzen

Zylinderkopfdichtung: besteht aus mehreren Schichten zwischen jeder Lage befindet sich eine dünne Schicht Gummi (Partielle Elastomerbeschichtung)

Zylinderkopf: größere Külmittelleitungen und geänderter Durchfluss zwischen Auslasseite und Zündkerzenvertiefung.

Nockenwelle: Kontinuierlich verstellbar für Ein- (Einstellbarer Winkel50°) und Auslassnockenwelle (Einstellbarer Winkel30°)

Zyndkerzen: Gewinde 26,5mm nicht für andere Motoren verwendbar (normal 19mm)

Ölwanne: Verringerte Menge (wegen Ölfüllstandsfühler) 5,5l/ entfernung der unteren Stauscheibe,geänderte Spritztrennwand, gezielterer Öldurchfluss.

Kühlmittelpumpe: kleiner/Zähnezahl von 21 auf 19 reduziert/läuft mit einer größeren Geschwindigkeit dadurch besserer Külwasserfluß= bessere Motorkühlung.

Ladeluftkühler:haben die R zwei wie pseudo R schon schrieb

Ich hoffe dir ein bischen weiter geholfen zu haben, aber wurde nicht schon mal wo was über nen R mit Gasanlage.

am 4. November 2009 um 11:14

@volvocrasher: Du solltest für deine LPG Frage vielleicht einen neuen Fred eröffnen oder die Suchfunktion versuchen den hier im Forum gibts einige LPG Profis und die Adresse taucht immer wieder auf.

Und sie funktionieren doch noch die grauen Zellen:D:D:D


Mit Gas am R wäre ich vorsichtig, nicht nur wegend es leichteren Motorblocks und der Zylinderbeschichtung. Da ist die thermische B<elastung des R Motors begrenzt, auch von den Seitenkräften her im Zylinder. Gerissene Buchsen gab's hier schon mal im Forum - dann ist rasch ein Austauschmotor fällig :( , und bei Gasumbau gibt's bestimmt keine Kulanz von Volvo! Nicht ohne Grund werden heftigere Tunings eher auf T5-Motoren aufgebaut, z.B. für Rennbetrieb, etc...; auch von den schwedischen Tunern gibt es bzgl. Leistungstuning des R diese Bedenken! Und bei Gasbetrieb entstehen wohl ähnliche Bedingungen unter weniger Leistung und Drehzahlen....

PS: wenn man sich einen R leistet, sollte man auch mit dem Spritkonsum leben können, denke ich mal ;)

Themenstarteram 4. November 2009 um 16:59

sollte man, muss man aber nicht... ;)

Vollgasritte würde ich auch auf Super Plus machen. Aber um in der Stadt sich in den Stau zu stellen, kann man auch billiges Gas verbrennen. Wann sich dann eine LPG- Anlage amortisiert ist ne andere Sache.

Aber wenn man den Motor nicht ständig am Limit fährt, und das macht von uns hier ja kaum jemand, stellt Autogas kein Problem dar. Die Abstimmung muss passen. Ich habe einige Gas- R bei gesehen, ergo muss sich das ja unkompliziert auf diese Modelle ausgewirkt haben.

Eh bei nem R durch Autogas die Zylinderwände reißen und durchbrennen etc. geht eher mal ne Lambdasonde oder Ladedruckregelventil übern Jordan.

Tunings werden aber in der Regel auf T5 Motorne gemacht, das ist richtig.

Wer ganz sicher gehen will, kann sich ja Autogas und ne Wasser- Methanol- Einspritzung einbauen. Dann passt das schlechte Gewissen wieder... :D

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