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anhaenger bremsanschluss gelb oder blau

Themenstarteram 28. April 2009 um 10:16

Hallo an alle,

hab ne Frage bezogen auf die farbliche Markierung des Anhaenger-Bremsanschlusses: gelb oder blau

Die Fuellleitung ist immer rot, Bremsleitung-Anschluss an neueren Typen Anhaenger sind oft blau markiert!

warum und wo stehts?

Im englischen: Emergency = rot und Service = gelb oder blau

na dann mal ran!

vielen Dank im vorraus


Beste Antwort im Thema


wir haben Ventile in der Cabine fur den Tractor -Zugmaschiene- Gelb -viereckig, und fur den Trailer rot octagon 6 Eckig. Damit konnen wir beide, oder einzeln die Bremsen losen oder verriegeln. Unsere Trailer haben alle Federspeicherbremsen.

Die rote Bremsleitung nennt sich supply -Versorgungsleitung- um die Airtanks und Federspeicher zu offnen, oder Emergency line wenn die Abreist vom Trailer verlierst du Deine Bremsluft am tractor und Trailer. Wenn du "bobbst" ohne Auflieger Fahrst musst du die Bremse fur den Trailer schliessen Bremse schliessen. Rotes ventiel ziehen.

Die blaue Leitung nennt sich service oder control line. Steuerleitung.




Original geschrieben von opa111


Original geschrieben von Rudiger

US / Canadian air brakes red / blue


The air brakes on a semi-trailer are connected to a tractor with two lines. One line is called the supply line or the emergency line. It is usually larger and is red or has red fittings. The emergency line provides air pressure to fill the semi-trailer's reservoir tank and the pistons that activate the brakes. The other line is called the service line or control line. It is usually smaller and is blue or has blue fittings.

In normal braking, pressing the brake pedal pressurizes the service line. This activates a valve in the trailer which directs air from the reservoir and the emergency line to the brake cylinders where it moves the piston that activates the brakes. When the pedal is let up, the service line pressure is decreased. When the service line pressure drops, it causes the valve in the trailer to block the air supply from the reservoir while releasing the pressure in the brake cylinder and the brakes are released. The system is a form of servo or amplifier.

If the pressure in the emergency line drops, due to the activation of a valve in the cab, the disconnection of the emergency line coupling, or a break in the emergency line, the spring brakes will come on, because there is no more air pressure in the trailer air tank to hold them back.

Air brakes are the preferred type of braking system for these vehicles for several reasons. First, the use of compressed air allows multiple vehicle units to be coupled so that all units have braking capability and so that all of those units' brakes may be controlled from the cab. Coupling would be infeasible if a liquid were used as the mode of transmission of force, as it is in hydraulic brakes. In addition, the use of an air brake system allows for the incorporation of an emergency braking system that utilizes parts of the service brake and parking brake systems. Emergency braking systems are required on all semi-trailers in the United States.[1]



Rüdiger nicht alle sind des englisch mächtig ich bitte wiederhole einmal auf Deutsch.


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Ich habe bisher noch keine blauen anschluesse gesehen.

rechts rot=vorrat.

links gelb=bremse.

am 28. April 2009 um 15:29

Habe auch noch nie was von blauen Kupplungsköpfen gehört. Vielleicht hast du irgendwelche Nebenaggregate an der Druckluft des Zugfahzeugs mit dranhängen und diese Zusatzkupplung ist halt zufällig blau. Bin mal gespannt ob das jemand kennt.

am 29. April 2009 um 9:11

laut wabco erstazteilliste gibts einen kuko mit schwarzem deckel, für einleitungsbremse?

blau gibts auch nur weiß ich grad net genau wo. glaub des war mal irgend was aus der usa.

Themenstarteram 29. April 2009 um 9:44


Danke fuer eure Tipp's, Denke auch letzte Info von "zuspaet" hier gehts um Anschluesse von US Fahrzeugen, Militaer oder so.

Vorratsleitung (Emergency) = rot

Bremsleitung (Service) = gelb oder blau

vielleicht weis noch jemand es genauer!

so long :-)))


Hänger mit Einleitungsbremse, kriegst Du doch garnicht mehr abgenommen?????

US / Canadian air brakes red / blue


The air brakes on a semi-trailer are connected to a tractor with two lines. One line is called the supply line or the emergency line. It is usually larger and is red or has red fittings. The emergency line provides air pressure to fill the semi-trailer's reservoir tank and the pistons that activate the brakes. The other line is called the service line or control line. It is usually smaller and is blue or has blue fittings.

In normal braking, pressing the brake pedal pressurizes the service line. This activates a valve in the trailer which directs air from the reservoir and the emergency line to the brake cylinders where it moves the piston that activates the brakes. When the pedal is let up, the service line pressure is decreased. When the service line pressure drops, it causes the valve in the trailer to block the air supply from the reservoir while releasing the pressure in the brake cylinder and the brakes are released. The system is a form of servo or amplifier.

If the pressure in the emergency line drops, due to the activation of a valve in the cab, the disconnection of the emergency line coupling, or a break in the emergency line, the spring brakes will come on, because there is no more air pressure in the trailer air tank to hold them back.

Air brakes are the preferred type of braking system for these vehicles for several reasons. First, the use of compressed air allows multiple vehicle units to be coupled so that all units have braking capability and so that all of those units' brakes may be controlled from the cab. Coupling would be infeasible if a liquid were used as the mode of transmission of force, as it is in hydraulic brakes. In addition, the use of an air brake system allows for the incorporation of an emergency braking system that utilizes parts of the service brake and parking brake systems. Emergency braking systems are required on all semi-trailers in the United States.[1]



Original geschrieben von ralf.haag


Danke fuer eure Tipp's, Denke auch letzte Info von "zuspaet" hier gehts um Anschluesse von US Fahrzeugen, Militaer oder so.

Vorratsleitung (Emergency) = rot

Bremsleitung (Service) = gelb oder blau

vielleicht weis noch jemand es genauer!

so long :-)))



Original geschrieben von Rudiger

US / Canadian air brakes red / blue


The air brakes on a semi-trailer are connected to a tractor with two lines. One line is called the supply line or the emergency line. It is usually larger and is red or has red fittings. The emergency line provides air pressure to fill the semi-trailer's reservoir tank and the pistons that activate the brakes. The other line is called the service line or control line. It is usually smaller and is blue or has blue fittings.

In normal braking, pressing the brake pedal pressurizes the service line. This activates a valve in the trailer which directs air from the reservoir and the emergency line to the brake cylinders where it moves the piston that activates the brakes. When the pedal is let up, the service line pressure is decreased. When the service line pressure drops, it causes the valve in the trailer to block the air supply from the reservoir while releasing the pressure in the brake cylinder and the brakes are released. The system is a form of servo or amplifier.

If the pressure in the emergency line drops, due to the activation of a valve in the cab, the disconnection of the emergency line coupling, or a break in the emergency line, the spring brakes will come on, because there is no more air pressure in the trailer air tank to hold them back.

Air brakes are the preferred type of braking system for these vehicles for several reasons. First, the use of compressed air allows multiple vehicle units to be coupled so that all units have braking capability and so that all of those units' brakes may be controlled from the cab. Coupling would be infeasible if a liquid were used as the mode of transmission of force, as it is in hydraulic brakes. In addition, the use of an air brake system allows for the incorporation of an emergency braking system that utilizes parts of the service brake and parking brake systems. Emergency braking systems are required on all semi-trailers in the United States.[1]



Rüdiger nicht alle sind des englisch mächtig ich bitte wiederhole einmal auf Deutsch.



wir haben Ventile in der Cabine fur den Tractor -Zugmaschiene- Gelb -viereckig, und fur den Trailer rot octagon 6 Eckig. Damit konnen wir beide, oder einzeln die Bremsen losen oder verriegeln. Unsere Trailer haben alle Federspeicherbremsen.

Die rote Bremsleitung nennt sich supply -Versorgungsleitung- um die Airtanks und Federspeicher zu offnen, oder Emergency line wenn die Abreist vom Trailer verlierst du Deine Bremsluft am tractor und Trailer. Wenn du "bobbst" ohne Auflieger Fahrst musst du die Bremse fur den Trailer schliessen Bremse schliessen. Rotes ventiel ziehen.

Die blaue Leitung nennt sich service oder control line. Steuerleitung.




Original geschrieben von opa111


Original geschrieben von Rudiger

US / Canadian air brakes red / blue


The air brakes on a semi-trailer are connected to a tractor with two lines. One line is called the supply line or the emergency line. It is usually larger and is red or has red fittings. The emergency line provides air pressure to fill the semi-trailer's reservoir tank and the pistons that activate the brakes. The other line is called the service line or control line. It is usually smaller and is blue or has blue fittings.

In normal braking, pressing the brake pedal pressurizes the service line. This activates a valve in the trailer which directs air from the reservoir and the emergency line to the brake cylinders where it moves the piston that activates the brakes. When the pedal is let up, the service line pressure is decreased. When the service line pressure drops, it causes the valve in the trailer to block the air supply from the reservoir while releasing the pressure in the brake cylinder and the brakes are released. The system is a form of servo or amplifier.

If the pressure in the emergency line drops, due to the activation of a valve in the cab, the disconnection of the emergency line coupling, or a break in the emergency line, the spring brakes will come on, because there is no more air pressure in the trailer air tank to hold them back.

Air brakes are the preferred type of braking system for these vehicles for several reasons. First, the use of compressed air allows multiple vehicle units to be coupled so that all units have braking capability and so that all of those units' brakes may be controlled from the cab. Coupling would be infeasible if a liquid were used as the mode of transmission of force, as it is in hydraulic brakes. In addition, the use of an air brake system allows for the incorporation of an emergency braking system that utilizes parts of the service brake and parking brake systems. Emergency braking systems are required on all semi-trailers in the United States.[1]



Rüdiger nicht alle sind des englisch mächtig ich bitte wiederhole einmal auf Deutsch.


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  5. anhaenger bremsanschluss gelb oder blau