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  5. 1996 Chevrolet Impala SS

1996 Chevrolet Impala SS

Themenstarteram 29. August 2006 um 18:15


Caprice findet man hier ja eigentlich ganz gut, aber wie siehts mit nem richtigen Impala, am besten als SS neueren Baujahres aus. (Also die Baureihe so ab 91 die schon etwas runder ist)

Ich hab gesucht, habe aber keinen einzigen Impala, geschweige denn als SS Version gefunden.

Gibts die hier überhaupt?

Wenn ja, mit welchen Preis müsste man rechnen? (96er Baujahre dürften doch eigentlich net so teuer sein, jedenfalls nicht in den USA, sind ja auch immerhin schon 10 Jahre alt und noch netmal nen Youngtimer)

Er sollte aber schon die offenen Radhäuser hinten haben.

MfG Marcus

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12 Antworten
am 29. August 2006 um 19:11

Gibt auf jeden Fall welche. Sind nur selten.

War nicht letztens einer bei ebay?

am 29. August 2006 um 20:14

so nen impala kostet schon sein geld...sicher nen 96er ist meiner meinung nach perfekt, da floor-shifter und analog tacho....aber was gutes kostet...ich denke wenn du hier nichts findest und dir was aus den staaten holst bist du mit zoll und allen anderen kosten, bestimmt bei 16-18k€.


Re: 1996 Chevrolet Impala SS


Hallo Marcus,

der Impala SS hat immer offene Radkästen, denn er wurde nur von 1994 bis 1996 gebaut. Eine besondere SuperSport Version gibt es nicht.

Das Angebot in Europa ist sehr überschaulich. Ich sage mal ganz pauschal dass du hier einen gepflegten im Orginalzustand nicht für großartig unter 10000 EUR bekommst.

Dieser hier soll beispielsweise 14000 EUR kosten, falls er immer noch zum Verkauf steht: ImpalaSS 4 sale

In den USA bekommst du ihn zwar deutlich günstiger, echte im Orginalzustand haben dort aber auch ihren Preis. Vorsicht, drüben werden viele clones angeboten! Also umgebaute Caprice 9c1 (ex Policecars).



Themenstarteram 29. August 2006 um 22:10


Das mit den Clones hab ich mir auch schon so überlegt, das kann man doch sicher irgendwie nachprüfen.

zb. anhand der Fahrgestellnummer, oder?



SEO Codes for B-Bodies

There is no code for a base Caprice. Options are added as shown in the following list:

9C1 - SEO Vehicle, Police Car

9C6 - SEO Vehicle, Taxi Cab

1A2 - SEO Vehicle, Public Service

Z09 - Model Conversion, Caprice Classic (also present on Impala SS)

WX3 - Merchandised package, Impala SS

Z01 - Merchandised package, Caprice Classic LS (export)

1C1 - SEO Vehicle, Export, Non-Police version (Caprice LTZ)

WX8 - Merchandised package, Caprice SS


Die WX3 sind die orginalen 94 / 96 Impala SS. Die WX8 wurden im Mittlerem Osten verkauft.

Typenblatt papier in den Kofferraumdeckel geklebt.


Impala SS


Der Impala SS '94-'96 ist ein Kultauto.


You Might Have Impala-Itis If...

DANGER!! There is a new and very contagious virus spreading throughout the world. It has been known to have spread through e-mail or even normal telephone lines. For your convenience, the Impala mailing list has compiled this list of symptoms to aid in diagnosis. If you find that you have contracted this disease, do not attempt to cure it! It is irreversible. You will learn to accept it and enjoy it, however. Thanks to all the people who originally contributed to this list: you know who you are...


You just might have Impala-itis when...

• Your dealer hides when he sees you coming.

• You have interesting conversations with the hardware guy about the flow characteristics of sewer pipe.

• Someone says "pitcher's mound" or "home plate" and you think he's talking cars.

• Mobil 1 sends you a card at Christmas.

• You know what "TSB" means.

• You get an erection whenever someone says "LT4".

• Lingenfelter tells you to quit bothering him.

• You know who Jon Moss is.

• You wave at perfect strangers who have the same car as you...and they wav= e back!

• Your wife or husband starts buying all their underwear in black, dark cherry, or green-gray.

• You can't function on the job because your spouse took your car to work today.

• You spend at least an hour a week polishing your exhaust pipes.

• You face Arlington and pray five times a day.

• You refer to Troy as Brother Wilrick.

• You're mad at the short lady who puts on the right side exhaust hangers.

• You won't vacuum the house once a month but you sweep the garage once a week.

• Your wife wants to know why your underwear smells like car exhaust.

• You like to set a red or blue coffee mug on the dash and tailgate people.

• Your dealer calls you when he has good deals on Impala parts.

• Your dealer calls you with Impala questions.

• You wave at perfect strangers who have the same car as you...and get mad = when they don't wave back!

• You follow perfect strangers off the freeway to give them NAISSO applications, never dreaming that you are scaring the @#%$ out of them.

• You pick out all of the "wrong parts" on the Impala toy at Wal-Mart.

• Your dog can fetch a 5/8th box end wrench.

• You swing by the house at lunch to check your Impala email instead of eating.

• You would rather drive across the country, even though it is twice as cheap to fly.

• You close the trunk with one finger in the keyhole.

• You say, "look! there goes a DCM" and you can't understand why nobody else knows what you're talking about.

• Normally, you give your wife static for sending you to the grocery store but today you volunteer to go because you just found out that a picture of your car is in the September issue of Super Chevy Magazine.

• You spend 15 minutes driving around a crowded parking lot hoping to find that perfect spot, even though the movie has already started.

• The first waking thought you have at 6 A.M. EVERY Saturday morning is to get up and go wash your SS.

• You have an 8 x 10 color printout (downloaded from the Internet) of an SS doing a smoky burnout, hanging on your office wall.

• The only thing you use your computer for anymore is to check for new Impala e-mail.

• You are looking forward to the warranty expiring so you can do some of the better mods you've read about in these digests.

• You get really cranky when you check your snail mail and there is no NAISSO newsletter, and you know that others have gotten theirs.

• You take heart knowing that those bugs paid the ultimate price for messing up the front of your SS.

• Your wife/girlfriend now points out Impalas and can tell you the difference between a 94, 95 and a 96.

• You special order all your shoes with lifetime warranty Green Silicon Rubber soles!

• You request a parking lot view of your car instead of an ocean front so you can watch the guys gawk at your car instead of gawking at the babes on the beach!!!

• You mail the Governor of Tennessee and the Mayor of Nashville to ask them to name the States new NFL Team the Tennessee Impalas!!! (True story!!)

• You wake up in the middle of the night, slink over to the window, part the curtains, and gaze at your car for a minute or so. At least twice per night.

• You cannot stop smirking.

• You eat lots of meat, drink lots of beer, don't exercise hardly enough, watch a lot of TV, and generally don't give a rat's patootie about your health, but MAN, you treat that car like it's the last living member of the species on Earth. Which it is, really.

• You calculate your gas mileage every time you fuel up, and get mad at your significant other when she doesn't reset the trip odometer when SHE fuels up -- but, you probably don't let her fuel it up anyway.

• You sneakily look in the rear view mirror to see if that Bubba you've just passed is sneakily trying to get a second look at your car.

• You can hardly conceal that insane grin as people gawk at your car, but you try your best to look indifferent, even bored.

• You keep grumbling "sorry" to your wimpy passengers for snapping their necks back and forth.

• Your wife actually knows what reverse-flow cooling is.

• You get in fistfights over the morality of odometer disconnection.

• You dont eat lunch at work because if you save the $6.00 every day so in 5 months you can buy the Edelbrocks!!

• You measure EVERY new home garage to make sure the SS fits, otherwise refuse to buy the house.

• Everytime you pass by the garage door you open it just to look.

• You drive 15 miles out of your way trying to catch that DCM you KNOW hasn't been flyered yet.

• You buy the Impala SS model kit and then buy the Corvette GS kit so you can put the LT4 in it.

• You wipe down your Impala after each time you use it.

• You have mats on top of the factory floor mats.

• You check white Caprices in parking lots to see if they really include that fuel bib on all of the white Caprices

• You park your car on some type of mat on the garage floor.

• You always wave to other Impala owners on the highway.

• You carry a color-coded container in the trunk full of cleaning supplies.

• You budget more for Impala parts than say, family vacations.

• You send your oil out for contaminant testing, just like the Space Shuttle.

• You start buying clothes that match your Impala as well as your skin tone.

• You refer to your girlfriend as "a convertable F-Body owner".

• You cut the workbench in half so the car will fit in the garage.

• You only patronize convenience store whose cups FIT in the cup holders.

• You know how to fold a NAISSO application so that it flies correctly when thrown across lanes of traffic.

• You know what AEPYCEROS MELAMPUS means.

• You have more pictures of the car than you do of the wife.

• You save up for weeks to cut 2/10ths off your 1/4 mile time.

• You take a VACATION to drive to TEXAS to stand out in the SUN in a PARKING LOT.

• You discover your spouse has a much broader vocabulary above 120 mph.

• Your fiancee=92 walks in naked with that sparkle-in-their-eye, but you need "just one more minute" to finish reading the latest digest.

• You've had to explain the term "pucker factor".

• You measure all family acquisitions in terms of the number of mods that could have been purchased.

• You know well that Orthodontic work is the equivalant of three sets of ZR4's

• You sit in your Impala in a dark garage and make car noises while waiting for the Chevy mechanic to finish under the hood.

• Your wife says, "If you buy nitrous, I'm getting a new mink."

• You have enough spare parts to build another Impala.

• You have Impala parts in your cubicle at work.

• If you can't remember when you last worked on weekdays and rested on weekends.

• You're registered for wedding gifts at the Impala SuperStore and Evergreen Performance.

• Your Christmas list begins with 3.42's and a six-speed.

• After your answer to "How was your weekend?" the next question is always: "And you do this for fun? Right?"

• Your friends don't recognize you without an Impala hat and sunglasses.

• You astound the clerk at Sears by bringing in a snapped breaker bar every other week or so.

• You complain when cars in front of you on highway off-ramps don't stay on the line, causing your exit speed to drop.

• A neighbor asks if you have any oil, to which you query, "Synthetic or organic?" and they reply, "Vegetable or corn."

• You tell a friend you need to clean up the heads this weekend and they think you mean the toilets.

• You refer to the corner down the street from your house as "Turn One."

• You look at the fire hydrant at that corner and see an apex marker.

• You always late apex the intersection and try to pass few cars coming out.

• You can't stand understeer.

• You've ever tried to convince your wife that you really need that flow bench to fix the air filter on her station wagon.

• You save broken car parts as "momentos".

• You've found your lawnmower runs pretty good on 93 octane gas (*after* you recalibrated the PCM...).

• You know that you're a real gear-head when during a phone call to your wife to wish her a happy Mother's Day.., you ask her how the Impala is doing. :-)

Wow das ist der längste Beitrag den ich je gesehen habe. ;)

Jaaa, der Impala SS ist schon hammer... Auf Ebay versucht einer aus Österreich öfter mal seinen zu verkaufen, so mit 22'' Chromfelgen und so. Ging letztens fuer um die 18.oooEuros weg, aber hatte den mindestpreis nicht erreicht. Ich denke der Preis ist ein 'wenig' überzogen...

Habe das Auto schon mal live gesehen, der wirkt gar nicht gross...

Mir persönlich wäre aber ein Caprice lieber, der mit den runden Radkästen hinten, den gibts nämlich in Rot innen. :)



am 30. August 2006 um 14:35

Der Preis geht schon in Ordnung, da der Impala SuperSport ( SS ) ´94-96 nur in Limitirter Auflage produziert wurde und sogar in den USA für ordentliche Preise sorgt !!

94: 6,303 Stück

95: 21,434 Stück

96: 41,941 Stück

am 30. August 2006 um 14:49

Ma ne N00B-Frage, was issen annem Impala so viel besser/schicker als annem Caprice? Die Karosse is ja AFAIK dieselbe, hatte nich der Caprice sogar die bessere Ausstattung? War zumindest mit denen bis '89 so.



Impala / Caprice bis '92 Modeljahr B-Body "Boxy" war der Impala in einer etwas geringeren Austallung. Danach wurder der "Wal" gebaut bis Modeljahr '94 in der 305 und 350 er Maschine. in den Jahren '94-'96 wurden die V8 4.3ltr und die 5.7Ltr LT1 Motoren eingebaut. Alle 5.7Ltr -LT1-, Caprice oder Impala haben Dual exhaust system. Die schnellsten Impala SS sind die '94er. Alle Impala SS haben Graue LederAustattung. KEINE andere auswahl.Alle Impala SS haben einen 5X5" Lochkreis und Scheibenbremsen Hinten. Der nachste "Verwante" zum Impala SS ist der Caprice 9C1.

Das thema Impala SS ist so umfangreich, das daruber schon Bucher geschrieben wurden.


Re: Caprice



Original geschrieben von Rudiger

Impala / Caprice bis '92 Modeljahr B-Body "Boxy" war der Impala in einer etwas geringeren Austallung. Danach wurder der "Wal" gebaut bis Modeljahr '94 in der 305 und 350 er Maschine. in den Jahren '94-'96 wurden die V8 4.3ltr und die 5.7Ltr LT1 Motoren eingebaut. Alle 5.7Ltr -LT1-, Caprice oder Impala haben Dual exhaust system. Die schnellsten Impala SS sind die '94er. Alle Impala SS haben Graue LederAustattung. KEINE andere auswahl.Alle Impala SS haben einen 5X5" Lochkreis und Scheibenbremsen Hinten. Der nachste "Verwante" zum Impala SS ist der Caprice 9C1.

Das thema Impala SS ist so umfangreich, das daruber schon Bucher geschrieben wurden.


mir gefallen die neuen impalas überhaupt nicht... der 300c wäre schon was feines...

Re: Re: Caprice


Der Neue Impala / Wimpala ist front wheel drive, ein rollendes stuck schei@@e. Ich hoffe in 2008 / 2009 kommt die neue RWD platform.



QUOTE]Original geschrieben von bassmaster

mir gefallen die neuen impalas überhaupt nicht... der 300c wäre schon was feines...

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