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  7. Wie ist der Fahrkomfort bei 19 bzw 20 zoll ?

Wie ist der Fahrkomfort bei 19 bzw 20 zoll ?

Themenstarteram 20. Juni 2009 um 14:48


mein Vater hat sich ein guten gebrauchten 320cdi gekauft. Er möchte gern neue Felgen kaufen, er will ganz gern wissen wie der Fahrkomfort bei 19 bzw 20 zoll ist. Was habt ihr für erfahrungen gemacht, könnt ihr vielleicht sogar Fotos reinstellen.


Vielen dank Mit freundlichen grüssen robert

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16 Antworten
am 29. Januar 2012 um 18:22

James May (Top Gear) on: low-profile tyres

I've just never been very keen on really skinny women because they don't look very friendly.

Comfortable, even.

They look like those chairs we had in school assembly and about as robust.

I prefer women with what is sometimes termed ‘definition'; you know, the ones who look as if they've been inflated properly.

Anyway - tyres...

It's been going on for years, this sort of thing, and I think it's time we cried ‘enough'.

Some tyres are now so thin it's difficult to tell what they actually are.

It's fashion, obviously, because really low-profile tyres are of no benefit outside of the racetrack and only make the car steer and ride badly, so it will probably pass.

I think this may be about to happen, and I do hope so.

I like a phat tyre as much as the next person, but I like to think in terms of the distance between the wheel rim and the tread, rather than the width.

A car wearing a decent amount of rubber isn't being swayed by fleeting trends. It's a car that looks comfy, and forgiving.

It looks like it will still make me a bacon sandwich when I'm old.

Let's take the Rolls-Royce Phantom. Now there's a car whose tyres haven't seen too many salads, and rightly so. Back when this car was launched, a man from the factory spent a long time explaining to me why the relationship between the size of the wheel and the size of the tyre was not merely important for relaxing progress - which is what a Phantom is about, after all - but actually established in the eye of the viewer the essential attributes of a Roller.

I think he was right about this. I see a Phantom, I want to climb aboard.

I see an AMG Mercedes on spray-ons, and I think I'd rather just go to the pub and maybe watch a war film later on.

It's now happening in the world of motorcycling. Consider the Harley Davidson Sportster. It's a bike that's been around in one form or another for ages, but it's never quite been my sort of thing. Now, though, I am overcome with a visceral urge to mount it. Why? Because I've discovered the Forty-Eight model, which simply has smaller wheels and bigger tyres, and it looks lovely as a result. American youths call this sort of thing ‘old skool'. I call it more than a handful, and that's a result.

Thin is so mean, and so last-season.

Fat is the future, and a decent depth of rubber is the way to get there.

I know we supposedly have another problem with obesity, but what is that, exactly?

Let's not forget that society offers no privilege greater than the opportunity to get a bit tubby.

So let's dish up some decent depth of sidewall and remind ourselves how lucky we are. Not with me yet? Look at this picture of the Harley Davidson Sportster Forty-Eight. Look at the boots on that baby. Wahey!

Am besten beide Kombinationen selber testen...



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